Example sentences of "[vb past] his [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The goal actually stemmed from a Southend corner but Kenny Irons made a superb interception in his own half and released Morrissey who brilliantly beat his cover before lashing a 16-yard shot high past ‘ keeper Sansome .
2 But there was to be no happy ending , as first Barwick and then Treleaven beat his mark by a stroke , the latter even bogeying his last hole , the 18th , after his drive found the trees .
3 A HUSBAND who beat his wife in a savage three-hour assault can wait until his holidays before going to jail .
4 He beat his drum under her window and she asked him to give her a rose .
5 Benedict beat his fist on the bed and glared at her .
6 Killion groaned and beat his fist against his forehead .
7 They pulled him round and beat his head against a stool until his brain boiled .
8 The former captain of Staffordshire , who played off scratch for many years , beat his age by two shots .
9 On the final lap it was Robert who beat his brother to the Metropole corner , after the 180mph descent from Coleraine .
10 A Tottenham teenager beat his stepfather to death with a cricket bat after an argument about mess caused by his puppies .
11 Cameron tried to hear his symphony , strained his ears for it .
12 From the clifftop he watched the small figure of Detective Furness in his red anorak on the saddle below , twisting from one side to another as he strained his eyes against the bright sunlight to search for his charge .
13 But , although Robert strained his eyes against the glass , he could see nothing but impenetrable blackness beyond the hectic yellows and reds cast by the candles .
14 Instead , although he drenched his campaign with the rhetoric of ‘ change ’ , some of the most potent symbolism he invoked in his speeches was backward-looking .
15 And , on his way to meet the Prime Minister , Mr Delors bumped his head on the car waiting for him at Heathrow .
16 Indeed , Bethurum Loomis argued that Wulfstan 's disillusion with Æthelred , and perhaps with Cnut too , can be traced in his work , stressing that he modified his views on royal sanctity , seems not to have wished to rely on the king 's ability to keep public order , and eventually stated that bishops should direct all affairs , both lay and ecclesiastical .
17 The great pundit of economics , John Stuart Mill ( 1806–73 ) ( he happened personally to sympathise with labour ) , modified his position on the question in 1869 , after which the ‘ wage-fund ’ theory no longer enjoyed canonical authority .
18 A combination of clerical opposition and papal objections thwarted his attempts to tax the clergy directly , but to the king Winchelsey constituted a far greater problem than the pope who , susceptible to more and wider pressures , gradually modified his objections to Edward 's aims and granted him a papal tenth in 1301 .
19 In his later work , however , Althusser modified his account of the distinction between science and ideology , a shift which has had important consequences for his analysis of the relation between individuals and practices .
20 In 1821 Alexander I had tried to stop foreign powers fishing and whaling between the Sea of Okhotsk and Russian Alaska , but in 1824 he modified his policy in the light of the United States ' promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine .
21 In an attempt to defuse the protests Roh dismissed his Minister for Home Affairs , Ahn Eung Mo , on April 27 and replaced him with Lee Sang Yeon .
22 The French boy dismissed his apology with a little motion of his hand .
23 ‘ Congress derided President Truman 's domestic program , passed significant legislation over his veto and generally dismissed his hope of extending the Roosevelt New Deal into the Truman Fair Deal . ’
24 I thought it was better to put my own thing forward so I dismissed his comment by saying that his rude attack on me was like being savaged by a dead sheep — and that became famous .
25 The defendant was convicted of murder , and the Court of Appeal of Jamaica dismissed his appeal against conviction .
26 Jevons used exaggerated estimates of the rate at which consumption would increase in the future , and Royal Commissions in 1866 and 1901 dismissed his arguments as alarmist .
27 As for Mr Gilbert , an industrial tribunal dismissed his claim of unfair discrimination .
28 Mauve proposed his name for membership of the Pulchri Art Club , where Vincent could draw the models available without extra expense .
29 Far-right Tory MP David Wilshire proposed his amendment with arguments that , while miles wide of reality , were traditional and consistent with Law and Order Families .
30 Darwin proposed his theory of sexual selection to account for sex differences of structure and behaviour , according to which , in most species , males compete for , and females select , mates .
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