Example sentences of "[vb past] from [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Sacred Heart pointed mournfully to his breast ; the crown of thorns radiated from his head .
2 A bib had been tied around Bissell 's neck to collect the raw , liquid plaster which oozed from his mouth where it congealed and hardened .
3 She shot a secret look at him but he was checking the machine , the slight conversation with Mitch dismissed from his mind — or maybe not .
4 He dismissed from his mind , because it was of no concern at this moment , the fate of the army he had left fighting Siward .
5 His ears popped and fluid seeped from his nose .
6 Strings of bloody vomit drooled from his mouth , a legacy of prolonged foam inhalation .
7 He dismounted from his horse and embraced the leper even though the thought of doing so was so repulsive to him .
8 He surfaced from his dive well out into the cove .
9 ‘ The drug 's taken effect at last , ’ Nancy said to herself as she rose from her position beside the bed .
10 He spoke so gently that Scarlet half rose from her stool : it was bad enough going mad without causing your husband to pity you .
11 She rose from her seat and swiped the dog a hefty blow across its snout .
12 When he did n't answer , she rose from her seat and walked from the room , giving the door a satisfying slam as she closed it .
13 Gertrude rose from her seat with dignity .
14 She then rose from her seat and bowed , leaving Finchingfield 's fond aunt seething .
15 Philippa went first , kicking off her sandals as she rose from her beanbag .
16 Veronica rose from her chair .
17 Miss Honey rose from her chair and walked out of the room .
18 She rose from her chair .
19 Madame rose from her chair , appalled by the notion , her cigarette holder clenched between her teeth .
20 One of these types now rose from her chair and came over to where we were sitting .
21 ‘ That was your zeide 's Egypt , ’ Bertha Cohen said as she packed her memories away again , blew her nose and determinedly rose from her chair .
22 Aunt Tossie had a faint dribble of desire at the corners of her mouth when , at length , she laid down the slate pencil and rose from her chair to face Mrs Geary , her companion in what was to be an immortal triumph : its finale that most acceptable of puddings before diets and regimens were conceived : a really beautiful Trifle .
23 A sad old woman rose from her chair , as from a dais , to take their coats and hang them on a row of hooks nailed against a wall .
24 Slowly and stiffly , Iskandara rose from her chair , found her stick and limped to stand beneath her mother 's portrait .
25 When she heard the front door shut behind him and Penman 's footsteps retreating , she rose from her chair and began to walk slowly about the room , touching the sofas and lamps and tables .
26 Alice had the impression , as she rose from her chair , that again Felicity was dark and hag-like , her eyes glittering from a wigwam of jet-black hair .
27 She rose from her chair with a skiff of nylon upon nylon and an aroma of strong perfume .
28 She rose from her chair at the little antique bureau which stood in the attic window space , bent down and fumbled for the catch of the secret drawer which she had found there .
29 The lines of bitterness seemed more pronounced than ever as she rose from her chair and crossed to the door .
30 Alarmed , Mrs Rosalia Alderley rose from her chair beside the bed , and fidgeted back and forth , not knowing what to do .
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