Example sentences of "[vb past] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On 28 July 1930 I disembarked from the Sorrento at Constanza in the Black Sea .
2 As they disembarked from the jet , they were strangers .
3 She watched them disappear into one of the corridors that radiated from the chamber .
4 At its apex this radiated from the product division to the central organs of calculation and control .
5 It was afternoon — the morning had gone on Crabb Robinson — which meant that all the ample , high , soft-blue leather desks along the spokes of the great wheel that radiated from the Superintendent 's desk , ensphered by the Catalogue , were taken , and he had to be content with one of the minimal flat triangular ends of the late-come segments inserted between these spokes .
6 The Luggage came ambling down one of the other passages that radiated from the room .
7 The Thatcher Cabinet after 1983 radiated from the woman at the centre .
8 She watched the ruins take Tallis , the walls and the stones becoming trees again , responding to a glow of green that radiated from the woman as she sat within her nest of rags .
9 The short days were half over by the time I ventured from the hut ( where my motorbike was also preserved .
10 According to Hubert , blood oozed from the centre of the palms .
11 The good doctor , ex-Killing Joke roadie , former A&R man and ambient trail-blazer whose spaced-out symphonies oozed from the chill-out zone of London 's Land Of Oz club to become The Orb .
12 He stood for a moment , a towering dark figure and watched as the blood — sluggish now — seeped from the boy 's mangled body .
13 Philip , with tears running down his face with relief and joy , kissed his son as he dismounted from the horse , and said : ‘ Oh my son , you must look for a kingdom equal to and worthy of yourself , for Macedonia is too little for you ! ’
14 Another thought surfaced from the chaos in her mind — and stuck , looming larger and more unnerving by the moment .
15 At last a long despairing cry rose from the back of his throat and screamed shatteringly across the churchyard as he threw the baton away and clung sobbing to the angel .
16 A heron rose from the river and flapped away into a clump of tall trees in the distance .
17 Sam Maggott 's head rose from the debris of his office .
18 At last she rose from the water , wrapping a towel about her damp body as she walked to her room , mentally weighed down by her thoughts , and physically wearied , too .
19 The bird , which Gould called the harlequin bronzewing , and which later became known as the flock pigeon , rose from the water beside him and alighted on the ground 40 yards away , just within reach of Gould 's expert aim .
20 As we walked , grouse rose from the heather , calling out in alarm , .
21 There rose , and she looked and looked with her needles suspended , there curled up off the floor of the mind , rose from the lake of one 's being , a mist , a bride to meet her lover .
22 Mountains on the other side of the valley rose from the mist like islands , and here and there flecks of cloud , as pale and fine as sea-spray , trailed across their sombre , wooded slopes .
23 Sure enough , in the morning , a small round table holding an appetising array of titbits rose from the floor a minute or two before Susan and Michael had finished their exercise routine .
24 She stood there until the rapturous applause died down and the peacock screen rose from the floor , hiding all behind it , then , her eyes clouded by emotional tears conjured up by the sheer beauty of what she had just witnessed , she turned blindly , colliding with a hard male body .
25 It rose from the floor , out of the tattered grey wall-to-wall carpeting …
26 It was a cold morning , and a thin jet of steam rose from the pinhole vent on the coffee cup lid .
27 He rose from the sofa and placed himself in front of a picture .
28 Mrs Sweet rose from the sofa .
29 Then she half rose from the desk , leaned across and gave me a dead fish handshake , and with a glazed stare directed somewhere over my left shoulder , she rattled out , all in one breath and with no punctuation , ‘ Thankyouverymuchforallyouhavedonegoodbye . ’
30 He rose from the desk and came round to Duncan 's shoulder .
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