Example sentences of "[vb past] not [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Those four orientations , listed not in the order provided by Dahl but in the order I believe to be most significant to an understanding to British political culture , are toward ( 1 ) problem-solving , ( 2 ) the political system , ( 3 ) cooperation and individuality , and ( 4 ) other people .
2 So it was that the most innovative proposal in the Criminal Justice Bill presented to Parliament on 10 November 1971 stemmed not from the Tory manifesto , nor from Crime Has No Boundaries , but from an official committee chaired by a Labour life-peer .
3 Second , there was feeling , the word used not in the conventional sense , but to describe a much less consciously formulated process of appreciation and subjective valuation .
4 It became evident in the course of analysing the submissions that a majority of those responding to the question objected not to the underlying principle but to the proposed time scale of 2–3 days .
5 This is principally indexed to the claimed historical transformation of Modernism into a series of engaged avant-gardes dedicated not to the aestheticisation of life , but to the integration of art into life .
6 The knowledge that this is what occurs comes primarily from stability theory — applied not to the rest configuration as in Section 22.2 , but to the various possible convective structures .
7 And the television cameras will be there to record the forum , manned not by the BBC , but by staff from the University 's own TV service .
8 Thus Turner has written that the sporadic appearance of trade unionism arose not from the absence of collective association but from the " intermittence " of the actual need for collective action " .
9 The Jacobite cause fell and the indecisive Prince with it , but there were those who fought not for the Stuarts , but for their country .
10 The conception of language that Saussure developed is that of a social phenomenon , realized not in the individual act of speaking , but ‘ only by virtue of a sort of contract signed by the members of a community ’ ( Saussure 1974 : 14 ) .
11 He sought mandamus directed not to the visitor but to the provost and fellows to reinstate him on the grounds that the provost and fellows had breached the rules of natural justice .
12 Sheridan gave her a look of hatred which seemed not in the least to bother her .
13 This is medicine practised not for the benefit of the patient but to protect the doctor from litigation .
14 Other more idiosyncratic constructs might include ‘ ambitious ’ and ‘ not prepared to trample on colleagues ’ or , in the case of a response to a particular colour in a painting , ‘ warm ’ opposed not by the conventional ‘ cold ’ but by the more idiosyncratic ‘ clinical ’ .
15 Most of the provisions of the Housing Act 1988 relating to private sector renting apply equally to housing associations , but the most important change relating to housing associations came not in the Act but by ministerial decision .
16 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
17 In many ways the stimulus for this came not from the miners but from the wool and worsted textile workers who fought against further wage reductions in 1925 .
18 As it turned out the problem came not from the Opposition but from our own side .
19 The greatest single expenditure on a Nonconformist chapel came not from the Congregationalists but from the Baptists and not in England but in Scotland .
20 This was when the need to live together came not from the older generation , but from the child 's own family .
21 All the judges emphasized that the danger of disorder came not from the CND marchers but rather from the fact that ‘ [ h ] ooligans and others might attack the police who were doing their duty in escorting a peaceful procession ’ ( Lord Denning ) .
22 The initial impetus for the rethink came not from the officials but from Sir Stafford Cripps in the summer of 1946 .
23 In the 18 years 1798–1815 inclusive , for each million tons sold there were 0.62 explosions and approximately 11 deaths ; in 1817–1834 inclusive the cost was 0.68 explosions , a 10 per cent increase , but with the loss of only 8.7 lives : for 1839–1844 , this had fallen further to 6.5 lives , But the three periods are not easily comparable ; the new production came not from the old collieries described but from new and ever deeper ones to the south and east made accessible after 1815 by steam-and-gravity operated railways .
24 Whatever authority it had , came not from the power of the speaker — he had none in the conventional sense — but from the cogency and relevance of what he said and the hope it inspired .
25 The inspiration for his second name came not from the famous missionary and explorer , but the street in Sydney where his parents ' college had been situated .
26 To Folly 's surprise , the voice came not from the stranger , but from somewhere behind and above her .
27 The calls came not from the opposition RPR-UDF coalitions , but from separatist groups .
28 In 1958 the appeal to which de Gaulle responded came not from the " eternal fatherland " submerged by foreign forces but from the European settlers and the French army in Algeria , elements of which were in open insurrection against the legal , democratic government .
29 Chris Smith , Labour 's Shadow Environment Secretary believed the country 's problem came not from the last few weeks , but the previous 13 years .
30 He turned not to the developing rage for eclecticism , but to the French Renaissance style of the Second Empire .
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