Example sentences of "[vb past] at his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even then he did not fight to recover his own hold on safety , but strained at his slipping grip on the man , dragging him outwards .
2 She winced at his ruthless manipulation , and he moved forwards quickly , confounding her by kneeling and pulling away her hands , holding them by her sides , the weight of his body pressing against her as his mouth came inexorably closer towards her pulsating nipple .
3 Mrs Alderley gazed stupefied at his rigid back .
4 Her voice had grown jerky and breathless and she caught at his caressing hand .
5 The police officer gaped at his Swiss Police knife .
6 The proctologist hooted at his own wit before asking which of my father 's famous wives was my mother .
7 Meredith fumed at his liquefying eyes and the contemptuous curl of his sculpted mouth .
8 Buckmaster dabbed at his thin lips with his napkin .
9 Antonio roared at his own humour , joined by Christina and Stephen , while his wife stood silent .
10 She bridled at his autocratic tone .
11 She squinted at his sunstarred silhouette .
12 Ludens , amazed at his own emotion , found he was kneeling on one knee .
13 ‘ But I think of you as a creative writer , ’ he hazarded at last , amazed at his own effrontery .
14 ‘ Detente ’ quickly became a pejorative term , and President Reagan , elected in 1980 , referred to the USSR in a celebrated phrase as an ‘ evil empire ’ ; the Russians , he declared at his first press conference , would ‘ lie and cheat and pursue their ends of world domination ’ .
15 He folded complacent white hands over his considerable girth and frowned at his two listeners .
16 Lorton rinsed the lather from his skin and frowned at his clean-shaven face .
17 He licked at his damaged hand with his enormous soft pink tongue , just like a dog washing itself .
18 ‘ When she arrived at his flat one night and told him that she had left me after admitting everything , he was furious .
19 His early history was not revealed , but when he arrived at his new home he was hostile , aggressive , and even savage ; and people were forced to take to their own heels to save themselves from his !
20 Thus , when Ludendorff arrived at his new headquarters at Marienburg , orders had already been given for the mass of the Eighth Army to form a half-moon facing southeast , toward the centre of which' Samsonov , urged on by telegrams from Jilinski , was now marching his weary men .
21 He arrived at his final year at high school in good fettle and with enough good grades to get to university if he wanted .
22 The new shithouse clerk , a small , wiry Liverpudlian , was taking his new appointment very seriously when I arrived at his canvasstructured place of work .
23 After a painstaking analysis of the data , Kepler arrived at his three laws of planetary motion , that planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun , that a line joining a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times , and that the square of the period of a planet is proportional to the cube of its mean distance from the sun .
24 Grimm sniffed at his blunt , though nimble , fingers .
25 Something made me pour myself a glass of wine before Stuart returned at his usual hour of 6.30 .
26 Tottenham fans are still waiting to see the England Under-21 international produce the scintillating form that he displayed at his former club Portsmouth .
27 Parker swiped at his bleeding eye .
28 Coleridge , still lame , chafed at his own confinement , especially when his friends set off one evening towards the hills , leaving him useless and lonely in Tom Poole 's garden arbour .
29 The Reverend Witherspoon shook his head and grinned at his tall friend .
30 The soldier , his eyes dead and full of drink , shrugged and grinned at his two companions , sallow , pimply youths already much the worse for wine .
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