Example sentences of "[vb past] that some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We soon found that some of them were using this for various extra-curricular activities .
2 Learning the collect each week was interesting ; for I found that some of them were short and easy to remember , others were longer and somewhat involved in thought and language .
3 After buying Hugin Sweda , Riva found that some of the quoted assets did not exist , and had to plug the gap by restructuring , borrowing , and cost-cutting .
4 He found that some of his Pound negatives could only be printed effectively with platinum paper , which has a very long tonal range .
5 We also found that some of their drilling equipment is as advanced as anything we are using ’ .
6 It also found that some of the avowedly " green " unit trusts were actually investing in many of the polluting companies .
7 No I think erm para five three I think was probably one of the er unless the panel found that some of policies were unduly restricted and detailed or er which were not a struc structural significance erm yeah probably the first rather than the second reference .
8 By the end of the week at least 100 people had died and 1,000 had been injured ; Izvestiya reported that some of the bodies that had been found were so thoroughly mutilated it was impossible to tell if they were men or women .
9 The Press Trust of India reported that some of the Maoists had been killed in a subsequent encounter with police , but there was no confirmation of this at state government level .
10 Yet the same writer lamented that some of the first students ‘ in many cases alienated the more thoughtful minds from the denomination ’ .
11 Cathal Goulding was generally in favour but agreed that some of the phraseology could be altered .
12 Others who also cared that some of the few remaining oak trees would be felled , stone walls and hedges destroyed , and that the dippers on this stretch of the river Dee would be driven off by low flying golf balls , ducked the issue and remained silent .
13 She was aware that she was trembling in his hold , but , when she suddenly realised that some of that trembling could be coming from Ven , only then did she realise the stress he was under , and , for him , she pushed through her own fear barrier .
14 We held an investigation and realised that some of the records held by the accounts departments did not tally with the real situation .
15 At the Aquatic Convention ‘ 92 ( Ilford DAS ) a lecture by Steve La ‘ Thange revealed that some of the Blackwater streams in the Brazilian Amazon where he regularly fished are only 65°F
16 Last week Insight revealed that some of Derbyshire 's earlier associations with Oyston , including a plan to build a holiday resort behind the Iron Curtain , could be ultra vires , or outside the council 's legal scope .
17 In a heady essay written over thirty years ago , Giorgio de Santillana argued that some of the key ideas of the Scientific Renaissance were to be traced to developments in the arts .
18 In this context , Greenpeace said it believed that some of the sprays were dangerous , and pointed out that they were banned in several countries .
19 Commentators noted that some of the unsuccessful presidential candidates in the first round were likely to lend support to Ratsiraka in the second round , due to take place in January .
20 It seemed that some of the constellations were less random than they had been .
21 More especially , I wondered at their risk when I learnt that some of them had landed across the Channel and were astonished to find that the natives did not speak English .
22 ( At that time even the most optimistic in the UUUC camp assumed that some of the latter would be returned . )
23 As he re-entered the bedroom he noticed that some of the drawers lay open and were messed up , and as the truth began to dawn on him he ran to his private money supply hidden in a sock , for his outings to the pub .
24 IN our report of a High Court case at Inverness in which Malcolm Badenoch was jailed for five years after admitting being concerned in the supply of Ecstasy and cannabis , we stated that some of the local youths he recruited to distribute drugs were schoolchildren .
25 But it is not so generally known and acknowledged that some of them in their day held high positions in the scientific world , nor has sufficient commendation been bestowed upon the whole body for their unselfish zeal in the promotion and encouragement of the study of Natural History , and especially Botany , as an essential element of medical education .
26 Italian farmers claimed that some of its modern manifestations were inspired by pesticide , but pesticide would not account for the hue of those ravishing little sprigged seaweed trees on the Tuscan hillsides in the frescoes at Monte Oliveto .
27 Bursts of white light that shattered the rock showed that some of the Counsellors had started to direct their lasers towards him .
28 First assays showed that some of the plants are viable oxygen producers , edible , medicinal , that kind of thing .
29 He took plaster casts of these holes , which showed that some of them had contained pointed and the others blunted stakes .
30 Recent data for example , from two hospitals in India , where amniocentesis was used to diagnose the sex of the foetus before birth , showed that ninety five point five percent of all female foetuses were aborted , but not a single male was aborted even though the amniocentesis showed that some of the males were genetically defective .
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