Example sentences of "[vb past] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Responding to the resolution , the Prime Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan met for preliminary talks in the Georgian capital , Tbilisi , on March 30 .
2 In February 1940 at the Labour Exchange at Devizes , I duly registered for military service .
3 Thus containment can effect rather than defeat change ( and this does not presuppose the desirability or otherwise of that change ; it might be reaction or progress or , as in this play , complex elements of both with each differently appropriated for different audience positions ) .
4 In the meantime she applied for other jobs too , but it was the one with G Vasey Ltd that she wanted .
5 In March 1886 Joseph Chamberlain , as President of the Local Government Board , responded by issuing a circular to local authorities urging them to schedule necessary public works for periods of depression , and to co-operate with the Poor Law by providing paid , non-pauperizing work for those who applied for poor relief due to temporary unemployment .
6 It is rather like something that I used to do as a young groundsman coming up through the ranks , when I applied for vacant jobs all over the place , the bigger and more prestigious the place the better , and more often than not without the slightest intention of taking the job if it had been offered !
7 Tower Hamlets declined to make the repayment and Chetnik applied for judicial review of the adverse decision , unsuccessfully at first instance but successfully in the Court of Appeal and in your Lordships ' House .
8 They applied for judicial review of the Secretary of State 's decisions and sought orders of certiorari to quash those decisions and declarations that the Secretary of State could not set a period for retribution and deterrence for a mandatory life sentence greater than that recommended by the judiciary , that he was required to tell the applicants the period recommended by the judiciary , and if he departed from it his reasons for so doing , and that the applicants were entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before he determined the period and for that purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State would act which was not in the applicant 's possession .
9 By notice of motion dated 13 November 1990 Mr. Pegg applied for judicial review of those decisions but on 18 January the Divisional Court ( Mann L.J .
10 By notice of motion dated 23 March 1990 Mr. Pierson applied for judicial review of that decision but on 18 January 1991 the Divisional Court ( Mann L.J .
11 By notice of motion dated 1 March 1990 Mr. Smart applied for judicial review of that decision but on 18 January 1991 the Divisional Court ( Mann L.J .
12 When he applied for judicial review he did not know whether his tariff exceeded 20 years , but on 10 April 1990 his solicitors were informed by the Home Office that it did not .
13 Mr. Page applied for judicial review of that decision .
14 During the divorce proceedings Mrs Flint applied for ancillary relief and in July 1990 an order was made under s 24 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , transferring the matrimonial home to her .
15 Calday Grange Grammar School also faced a second ballot over opting out after it applied for grant-maintained status last year .
16 In 1959 , three years after he applied for German papers under his own name at the German embassy , he fled to Paraguay as the Frankfurt authorities issued the first warrant for his arrest .
17 But when Norway and Austria ( the schilling is pegged to the D-mark ) applied for associate membership last year , they got a cool reception .
18 On May 31 he was quoted as saying that he was satisfied that all prisoners who qualified for political status had been released but that officials were still sifting petitions .
19 Parents of children who qualified for secondary education signed an undertaking that the child would complete the course , and they could be fined if they failed to keep their word .
20 With bad luck , the phenomenon could even develop into the sort of cash-cow that speakeasies became for organised crime in the United States under Prohibition .
21 Despite revolutionary zeal , or perhaps because of it , they sought immediate compensations for the miseries of daily life , and spontaneous methods of attack which they mistook for political strategy .
22 The congregation usually watched him with a perverse relish which he mistook for devout attention , but this Sunday afternoon there was palpably an added curiosity to see how well he managed to live down the shaming comedy he had enacted on horseback a few days before .
23 MORE than 60 people have died and 600 are ill after eating poisonous toadstools they mistook for wild mushrooms in the Ukraine .
24 The dose of 40 mg omeprazole once daily is higher than that recommended for peptic ulcer therapy , but is regularly used in reflux oesophagitis , while a duration of five days was chosen because it has been shown that the effect of omeprazole on gastric acid and serum gastrin stabilises after three days of treatment .
25 The idea of the humane , creatively enlightened State , which cared for ordinary men and their development , was in his thinking always overshadowed by that of the power-State , Spartan , demanding and careless of the feelings or immediate interests of the individual .
26 As Oliver ( 1986 ) has recently pointed out , the word was originally used in respect of those who cared for dependent adult relatives , mostly elderly people :
27 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
28 In a protracted series of attacks Highlander was branded as a ‘ communist training school ’ , a place where people engaged in ‘ immoral , lewd , and unchaste practices , ’ and which Horton ‘ operated for personal gain . ’
29 Did plants survive the glaciations in the Outer Hebrides , as Heslop Harrison ( 1948b , 1953 ) hypothesised for amphi-atlantic species and bryophytes such as M. hochstetteri ?
30 And yet , he painted delicate water colours which sold for high prices .
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