Example sentences of "[vb past] for [art] night " in BNC.

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1 Of course , there was always Agnes , and I lived for the nights when I joined the Ralembergs for their simple meal .
2 We stopped for the night a mile down the road just out of sight .
3 They stopped for the night in a small village a day 's ride from the foot of the mountain .
4 We crossed into Germany and stopped for the night at a service station between Speyer and Karlsruhe .
5 It was raining by the time they stopped for the night .
6 Consequently Paige 's nerves were stretched as tight as a drum by the time they stopped for the night on the banks of one of the streams they had waded through .
7 The drama began as Joe and his girlfriend Claire Gallagher , 19 , headed for a night out in the West End on Friday .
8 It led to an abandoned fishing hamlet called Hamningberg , where we camped for the night in a grassy field studded with interesting saxifrages and other flowers .
9 Then , closing all , the chains of the bridge rattled evenly through their pulleys , and Parfois withdrew for the night into its impregnable walls .
10 Later , under cover of darkness , they crept into the house , where Charles hid for the night in the attic .
11 We only broke for the night on the promise of a further meeting next day together with social security officials .
12 She looked forward to his usual visit that evening , but he did not come , and it was Comfort who appeared at half-past nine to remake Julia 's bed and see that she had everything she needed for the night .
13 Anxious about his prospects of liberation , the slave Moschos went for a night of incubation to the temple and had a dream in which the divine pair Amphiaraus and Hygieia ordered him to write down what he had seen and to set it up in stone by the altar .
14 She was about to ask if he 'd be back before she left for the night , when the door closed behind him .
15 But shame was there in vast amounts as , sleepless , she waited for the night to pass .
16 But Robin still hungered for a night on the traps : so we found ourselves at the Harold Park Hotel , the crowds milling into the street , silhouetted against the lights of the adjacent Greyhound track .
17 ‘ Tired by a long and laborious day 's walk under a burning sun , I frequently encamped for the night by the side of a river , a natural pond , or a water-hole , and before retiring to rest not unfrequently stretched my weary body on the river 's bank ; while thus reposing , the surface of the water was often disturbed by the little concentric circles formed by the Ornithorhynchus [ duck-billed platypus ] , or perhaps an Echnidna [ anteater ] came trotting up towards me .
18 In January 1816 ‘ the new Piano Forte came — an excellent instrument ’ ; the piano tuner came in April , stayed for the night , and accompanied Jane on her violin .
19 Now after the er there was a incident at erm the er engine shed , er the stabling of the locomotive was transferred away , erm and it used to travel at the end of the day over to the er or , or er engine shed , where it er stayed for the stayed for the night .
20 The windows were mere arrow-slits now blocked by wooden shutters ; the air was so damp with a pervasive chill that Queen Margaret insisted fires be lit in her rooms before she retired for the night .
21 We drove all day and at 10.00pm reached our destination — a small village called Waldsee — just before the camp site closed for the night .
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