Example sentences of "[vb past] it [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite anecdotal reports of serious bugs in Microsoft Corp 's new MS-DOS 6.0 , PC Week Labs says it has been unable to reproduce in a controlled laboratory environment any of the data-threatening errors specifically attributed to MS-DOS 6.0 or its DoubleSpace component , adding that it believes that many of the reported data-destroying errors can be attributed to the sudden introduction of SMARTDRV , the MS-DOS and Windows cache program , onto previously uncached systems — SMARTDRV caches disk writes , and any sudden power-down can cause unrecoverable file and disk errors — but be that as it may , Microsoft is taking the reports of data loss sufficiently seriously that it has pledged to do whatever it takes to track down and purge any serious flaws , although it has found none , and InfoWorld reported it found several problems , including one in the DoubleSpace data compression — but Microsoft said two of its engineers looked into but could not replicate the problems InfoWorld saw .
2 Mr Worseley , the engineer , shot a thousand sparrows and made a curry out of them which all who tasted it proclaimed excellent , but which aroused the Collector 's fury because of the waste of powder and shot .
3 In explanation Van Valen put forward what he termed the Red Queen 's hypothesis , named after the Lewis Carroll character who found it took all the running one can do to keep in the same place .
4 Whenever the film crew opened a cupboard in a shop to store some electrical equipment , they found it stocked high with food .
5 The public analyst found it contained 14 beetles , 24 larvae and nine pupal cases , also that it had the characteristics of the Australian beetle , which attacks and infests dried food products .
6 … she tried to open her eye — the right one , the one that was still there — and found it glued shut .
7 We had to contend with some extremely high winds and found it needed extra guys to hold upright .
8 Most reviews have identified administrative deficiencies — one scrutiny found it cost 90 to administer 100 of woodland grant — and some have led to major changes ( such as the establishment of a non-Defence central purchasing unit : see Government Purchasing : A Review of Government Contract and Procurement Procedures , 1984 ) .
9 Maud said that Leonora Stern believed it represented Victorian women 's fear , or any woman 's fear , of giving birth to a monstrosity .
10 THE US Secretary of State , James Baker , hinted yesterday that the US withheld military support for Tuesday 's failed coup in Panama because it believed it had little chance of success .
11 Montague managed to convince Mortimer of his innocence , but his narrow escape did not discourage the king , and when the coup came it had all the appearance of being carefully planned .
12 But John McQueen learnt it had more serious effects .
13 He could n't read , he assumed it said twenty cubic metres which it usually does .
14 " You mean — is it Dom João ? " she asked , and when he confirmed it added half to herself , " So he is — quite important . "
15 Each one of us was beckoned over to have a go when it was my turn I rushed over and put the tanks on I then submerged It felt strange breathing under water like a fish the bubble emitted from the regulator trickled up the side of my face .
16 The last great campaign to revise social style — the so-called anti-spiritual pollution drive six years ago - petered out after only a few months when even the party leadership acknowledged it had more important things to worry about than enforcing short hair and dreary clothes .
17 Speaking in a Belfast safe house a hooded IRA member claimed it had enough explosives and terrorists in place for a major offensive .
18 The magazine , Politis , claimed it had more evidence after the French Environment Ministry dismissed the report but adding that it was dangerous to dig in the recently closed dump because it ‘ would be like opening a tomb ’ .
19 When we arrived it seemed such a friendly place , there would be 2 or 3 people to meet you at the gates and welcome you in .
20 When the coach arrived it took some time to organise the teams .
21 And so he got space to build a house and they began it began this part in thirteen sixty although it 's clear that there was an earlier house here , perhaps built at the time when they first got the back in the eleven seventies .
22 Erm it touched it touched twenty grand last year .
23 In the discussion that followed it became clear that graduated PAF would not be popular .
24 The concert and the reception which followed it generated considerable interest in , as well as funds for , the Alumni Foundation .
25 The December 1989 coup attempt and the abortive revolts which followed it damaged international investor confidence in the Philippines .
26 While moral suasion had been favoured in the War ( in preference to rationing ) as a means of restricting domestic demand , and had for a time been partially successful , as peace returned it lost much of its impact .
27 In 1982 West Germany discovered it had serious problems with its forests — results of research indicated that half showed signs of ill health .
28 He had the expatriate knack of being lent things and getting himself looked after on his return to the native land , and as they talked it became apparent that we were to be entertained to lunch by the gallery owner .
29 And there was a Yorkshire firm covered it covered that road tarmac or something they said , It 'll last twenty years .
30 Er , it 's very difficult , yes you all laughed when I asked a question last year from over there to get a capital P in Pearson because you all laughed it took twenty weeks to get it in The Times , do you remember ?
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