Example sentences of "[vb past] it [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But er we eventually beat it though and as I say a good colliery you could er you could beat 'em to it .
2 We termed it thus because the depression arose from role performance and not from their psychopathology .
3 Considering the tenoning half of his design , I modified it so that it could quickly accommodate a different pair of blocks for each differently angled tenon .
4 The blade tore Isambard 's cotte not an inch below his heart , but he had caught the lunging wrist in his left hand and jerked it outwards and downwards , and the thrust sliced through cotte and shirt down his ribs , and left only a harmless surface graze behind .
5 The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling .
6 While these southern Americans believed their region unified by its homogeneity , what actually drew it together and made it conscious to itself was its deep and ( according to white Southern belief ) ineradicable , division — into white and black .
7 Correctly surmising that theirs was the room with the broken bolt hanging from the door , he entered it just as I was catching up with him .
8 I mean I payed it obviously because you If you live you live in er you live in the land you 've got to pl go by the law .
9 The government 's representative at the inquiry , Energy Department official Christopher Wilcock , described it openly as ‘ a broad , political — and I stress the word political — strategic judgement ’ .
10 When he saw the finished portrait Cocteau was shaken and described it privately as ‘ diabolical ’ .
11 Other car industry sources described it variously as " utopian " and " unreasonable " , and said it was not being taken seriously .
12 Border described it all as media nonsense , saying he had , in fact , stayed behind to attend to some personal business .
13 A silver cup whizzed an inch wide of her father 's ear ; her eldest brother caught it just before it sailed out of an arrow-slit window .
14 Yet he still held her hand , and she grasped it gratefully until they came to an open area where there was a fallen tree trunk .
15 I just looked down , I seen it then and ah nelly .
16 As for Peter and Pat Lawford , they fixed it so that John Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe could screw around without Jackie finding out .
17 We fixed it so that we arrived at lunchtime and joined my parents in a restaurant near their hotel .
18 Because I had one in the garden here and we moved it actually when we , we took the er hedge out er to put the fence and the gate on er and we moved it somewhere else and it er it just died off .
19 We moved it once and apparently it had to go a zoo after that cos when we moved it back it was about twelve foot long , and then of course it g grew even larger than that .
20 For a moment that bordered on eternity , Fran stared at the throbbing centre of her hand , then snatched it away and scrambled from the car , uncaring what interpretation he put on her haste .
21 He said : ‘ I grabbed the knife and bent it double so it could n't do any more damage . ’
22 He frowned , ’ I probably mentioned it here and there .
23 And then when he gave it up when his wife died , he stopped it then and they changed it into the West Mainland Horse Breeding Society .
24 I approached it eagerly and touched it .
25 My mate weighed it too and he could n't make it grow either .
26 You used it again when you 'd just got off the train from Paddington tonight , when you pretended you were waiting for Mrs Downes — ’
27 The House passed this by 416–0 , and the Senate by 88–2 , and Johnson constantly used it later when he stepped up American involvement in Vietnam .
28 This was before the ‘ epidemic ’ had reached its current proportions and , being unsuccessful in their enterprise , they used it rather than throw it away .
29 He used it even though there was now a good straight road running along the edge of the forest .
30 Thus , the local Serbian chiefs had considerable freedom of action , and most , like Miloš , used it arbitrarily and grew rich and powerful by the exercise of their power .
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