Example sentences of "[vb past] in the new " in BNC.

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1 The book of hers that stayed with Pound was Private Worlds , which he reviewed in the New English Weekly in 1935 , and referred to twice in Guide to Kulchur .
2 Two days later he called for a purge of FIS ranks ; only those " who believed in the new era for the country and in others ' right of expression " should be retained .
3 Despite the orator and prophet of National Socialism , there lingered in the new Germano-Fascist personality of William Joyce the shade of the clever and nervous undergraduate , bright and enthusiastic , to whom the scattered gems of his own literature clung forever .
4 Easthope believes that the modernist concept of ‘ impersonality ’ , later systematized in the New Criticism , and theorized by Wimsatt and Beardsley in their famous essay ‘ The Intentional Fallacy ’ , was on the right lines , but did not go far enough , as the author was not really banished .
5 A more dramatic change for the youngest family member came in the new year .
6 ‘ Last night fires began in the new forest in Europe , and they 're moving across Europe .
7 This principle is enshrined in the Hippocratic oath ( box ) and emphasised in the new contracts for NHS consultants , all of which incorporate a teaching commitment .
8 It occurs to me , for example , that given that all we 've heard this afternoon about the fact that a new settlement and again I 'm playing devil 's advocate , that if it were possible to build onto an existing settlement the quality of life of those who lived in the new settlement might in fact be better than if they were , to put it crudely , finding themselves in the middle of a field .
9 When he checked in the new phone book to see that his entry was there he did not , of course , look through all the Hugheses .
10 Pauline Kael admitted in The New Yorker that , ‘ reviewing this perfect nothing of a movie is rather degrading : it 's like giving consumer hints on the latest expensive worthless gift for the person who has everything ’ .
11 It certainly made an unusual change from cranberry sauce and was one of the most memorable tastes I experienced in the New World .
12 Erm , but I do , I mean if we were hogging another , I mean , if we got in the new , like you just got in the new software for the Mac
13 Erm , but I do , I mean if we were hogging another , I mean , if we got in the new , like you just got in the new software for the Mac
14 Much of the work that is rediscovered may have the literary qualities that will satisfy readers without particular feminist interests : the poems by women that Roger Lonsdale included in The New Oxford Book of Eighteenth-Century Verse are a small-scale , easily accessible instance .
15 The Scotch of St James , off Piccadilly , was the club that pulled in the new pop generation .
16 The contribution of the Coca-Cola Company is to be mentioned when works restored in the new laboratory are reproduced .
17 Now , as Government Circulars from the hand of Ellen Wilkinson and John Maud insisted , it had to be provided for everybody — and that meant in the new secondary modern schools .
18 The results also point up the problem of maintaining the standards reached in the new services .
19 He sent in the new pages , which , three months later , Sixsmith acknowledged and applauded in a hand quite incompatible with that of his earlier communications .
20 When 1951 ended he could justifiably let rip in more frivolous fashion on ‘ Huntin' , Shootin' and Fishin' ’ decorations for the Chelsea Arts Ball at which he saw in the new year .
21 In fact , for a time he saw in the New Order in France a possible source of ideas which he could implement in the construction of his New Order ( Nizam-i Cedit ) in Turkey .
22 A general election held on May 25 resulted in the New Front for Democracy and Development , a coalition of the Indian , Javanese and mixed-race ethnic groups along with the Labour Party , winning 30 of the 51 seats in the National Assembly .
23 The main benefit to the United States of the Smithsonian Agreement lay in the new exchange rates which embodied a 9 per cent devaluation of the dollar in relation to other currencies compared with the pre-August rates and thus increased US competitiveness .
24 The cuts , which emerged in the new British Rail corporate plan for the early 1990s , will mean substantial real increases in passenger fares for the foreseeable future , more one-off sales of railway property , fewer jobs and substitution of rail services with buses insome rural areas .
25 One of the most dangerous stunts Crawford did in the new series was to hang on to the back of a car as it dangled over sea and rocks two hundred feet below .
26 By 1929 the drift towards a new cinema as being picked up by the critics , who eagerly pointed out both what they liked in the new films and what they thought would be well received by audiences .
27 He tried fitfully to proceed with a short prose book on the nature of culture which he had been contemplating for some time , but by the end of 1942 had produced only a first draft of two chapters : this must be the source of the four essays which appeared in the New English Weekly during January and February 1943 under the title , " Notes toward a Definition of Culture " .
28 ( 1980 ) envisaged for West Germany as its multinationals in the textile industry participated in the new international division of labour .
29 Why is there nothing said in the New Testament about the Holy Spirit disclosing himself in other faiths , in the struggles of men to find God , and in the ethical endeavours of decent people ?
30 ‘ Well , ’ he said in the new year , a couple of days after term had started , ‘ I 've certainly been and gone and upset Nerina , of all people .
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