Example sentences of "[vb past] the first few " in BNC.

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1 We came together as a group almost by accident , but there was a convergence of our experiences and a symmetry to our ideas which made the first few months of our existence one of the most stimulating and electrifying of my life .
2 Tenderly , she laid the first few bundles in the pail and sat back on her heels , blackened fingers curled , like a housewife waiting for the stove to light .
3 ‘ No diet is easy and I found the first few days hard , but by the end of the first week my skin became clearer , my nails grew stronger and my hair was healthy and shining .
4 The light was bad but Peter deciphered the first few lines of the left-hand page .
5 They drove past the two figures and Terry sounded his horn that played the first few bars of the Star Spangled Banner .
6 He played the first few premier league games this season instead of Wallace , and had a few rave reports .
7 I pulled out the compass , held it horizontally close to my eyes , let the needle settle onto north , looked that way and mapped the first few feet in my mind .
8 She stretched out her legs , bare beneath a white cotton skirt , opened the first few buttons of her blouse , and fanned herself lightly .
9 ‘ I think he really enjoyed the first few , then the stories and the music got so trite , but he 'd go ahead and do them .
10 He watched the first few matches tee off , then joined the trickle of early spectators following the Red route round the course .
11 When the studio manager asked him to say something to check the microphone levels , he recited the first few lines of The Wreck of the Deutschland with appropriate gestures .
12 Rab , with his new moves , a much more attacking play — he shifted his chequers like a whirlwind — won the first few games in fine style .
13 TI 's Sparc marketing manager Phil Campbell said the first few lots of the reconstructed chip will be coming off the line in December with volumes following sometime during the first quarter .
14 On the way home through Canada I wrote the first few chapters of a book about my views on the tour .
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