Example sentences of "[vb past] us [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And cer the determination of the women , that we were n't gon na be starved back to work , we were n't gon na be forced back to work , we were n't just gon na end in chaos and some of us going back and some of us staying out , I think it was the women possibly talking to their husbands or , and just reassuring each other , you know that helped us no end .
2 That helped us a lot .
3 She helped us a lot .
4 I think the wives found it to their benefit to get amongst other wives who were sharing the same problems you know , how to pay the bills , how to buy food , and I think they seemed to get organized pretty well , they certainly helped us a hell of a lot .
5 It was , in fact , Iris who found us a cook .
6 On our way home via New York , some ‘ dear ’ friends ( as in generous ) , fixed us a stretch limo to take us to the airport .
7 I approached the Edinburgh Green Belt Trust , who thought the project a good one , and promised us a grant of £3,000 for materials and hire of equipment , subject to SNH approval .
8 But a few years ago , when they promised us the summer heat would last for months , she had it cut short .
9 Lloyd even promised us an interview with Andrew Ball but we heard nothing .
10 It cost us a fortune in .
11 I refer not only to the substantial amount of money that was made available , resulting in a £45 per week rise for nursing homes , which cost us a total of £225 million , but to the amendment that allowed the Secretary of State , after community care had been in place for some time , to take account of the local authorities ' assessments of reasonable rates and of their experiences in general .
12 And it cost us a bomb !
13 It cost us a lot to close it , but we are very pleased we did .
14 Even though it cost us the life of a very good agent . ’
15 entire market price even though it cost us the business at this point in time .
16 One incident that has stuck with me was when he played us the Queen of the Night 's aria from The Magic Flute , telling us that it was notoriously difficult for singers as the top note reached ‘ F in alt ’ .
17 SERAFIN : You are not happy about the way we are proceeding , you told us a moment ago …
18 And as we heard this morning Jesus told us a parable about a mustard seed , although it 's small it grows into quite a large shrub .
19 Your father , Dermot told us a lot of course — I 'm sure your mother would have been none too pleased , if she knew , but his first loyalty was always to the cause .
20 This told us a lot about Parvin 's ability to predict outcomes , to make and express judgements and to engage with a task , as well as her knowledge of concepts of size and measuring .
21 And you can always tell reflectors in training , cos sometimes you 'll think what 's happening , nobody else wants participation , reflectors will actually stand back and think well what did they ask for , what do I talk about then and it 's always like a delayed response you get a lot of reflectors and we had one course once and we had all high reflector scores and that actually told us a lot about participation cos people were n't disguising any they were thinking about it coming in had time to consider an opinion so that 's a reflector .
22 He would juggle them with his tongue for us children and told us a tale of getting his glasses whipped off by a passing branch .
23 ‘ After a few minutes an embarrassed train driver told us the man who should have unlocked the gate had not turned up . ’
24 Diggs came and told us the day he broke out . ’
25 He told us the story of the lapuna tree , the mother of the forest .
26 Chris told us the story or how the man and the woman fed from this tree and , when they were away , to get at the food others chopped it down and the trunk became the Amazon , the branches its tributaries .
27 Jack recently told us the plot of a 1951 Jane Wyman movie called The Blue Veil and we both broke down sobbing at the same point of the story and sobbed for minutes .
28 Sport , erm , I remember when I learned badminton , that the teacher would show us the high smash shot down , until we saw it being done properly , if he told us the theory of it without showing us what it looked like when it was done properly , we would n't have known what we were aiming at .
29 The champagne corks popped but then the reporter told us the house had been repossessed .
30 But his agent , Mr Tony Gordon , told us the visit was n't off — it had just been postponed .
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