Example sentences of "[vb past] down [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lennox-Boyd then laid down that independence would only be granted if wanted by ‘ a substantial majority of the people ’ ; if Bourne 's proposals were accepted by NLM as well as CPP then they could go ahead : ‘ If he failed then there appeared to be no alternative but to call a general election ’ ( p.245 ) .
2 On the one hand there was the central government and its economic ( and taxation ( plans which laid down broad policy and investment strategy ; on the other hand was the ‘ club ’ of often just two traditional suppliers of equipment .
3 I can tell him that , if we had been involved in the process during the years in which this Government were involved , proper priority would have been given to the very stipulations that we laid down some time ago about convergence , the accountability of institutions and the need for a change in regional and structural funding — as well as several other considerations , some of which are now contained in article 2 of the treaty .
4 Members of the Gospel Outreach Centre , Clifton Road , say they were forced to shut down after Darlington council laid down strict planning restrictions .
5 my mate lived down that area then he , he moved up to far end Keighley end
6 The few tracks that led down Steep Ridgery were worn deep into the chalk and clay .
7 Yes , and I , and I wiped down one side
8 He landed in the forecourt of a carpet shop , scattering the merchandise and customers , dived through its rear exit trailing apologies , skidded down another alley and stopped , teetering dangerously , just as he was about to plunge unthinkingly into the Ankh .
9 Got dressed ( glanced out of the window — hot again ) , made up ( Gothic again ) , sat on the edge of the bed and took out my envelope of dreams and scribbled down last night 's dream .
10 It 's a Fool 's Paradise to think that a ruck will be won , the ball moved down one channel , another ruck won , over to another channel and then finally over the try-line .
11 However , in the winter months , on a roof top it was cold and I had to be wrapped in blankets , even though the sun beat down mid afternoon .
12 The reason for the affray is unclear , though a police spokesman played down any suggestion of feuding between criminal gangs .
13 She gulped down some orange juice hastily .
14 Now er her husband came down one day and I said to him , what 's your name , and he said Mr
15 he 's either up the stairs well he came down one night right enough he was talking to his girl on the phone , she phones him through the week and er he was a bit depressed because he he had n't the money , he 's , he 's on the and he has n't really the money to give in for housekeeping plus try and get driving lessons and his daddy wo n't let him
16 The switch worked : on the faces of both of them came down that twilight of solemnity , a most vulnerable condition , he had found , if rightly played upon .
17 Mm yes , erm since the home office secretary 's initiative it 's progressing quite well , with interest from certainly Bassett , Newark Stanton on the Wolds Tollerton and some other of the rural Coldfield areas were interested in going forward , Bassett looked very very interested , we went to a meeting last night , eighteen parish councils were represented , er Beckingham is going to be the first one , they 've got a special that lives there who 's gon na take up the work , Superintendent came down last night to do a circular of em a questionnaire around the village and parish to get find out what people want , and then go and see what the specials able to provide and meet the two together and get some sort of contractive agreement , he 'll work from the police house there , he 'll have access to the car , when it 's not being used by the rural officer , also his radio .
18 Well Terry came down last night .
19 He particularly liked this stretch ; nothing but the odd tractor and the horses ever came down this embankment , and the birds were unworried by his presence .
20 This , however , was too much for the Government and , using the excuse that public opinion was not yet ready to accept the protection of many unpopular modern buildings , Lord Caithness , the Minister of State for the Environment , arbitrarily whittled down English Heritage 's list to 18 buildings - excluding Bankside — although it represented a more traditional approach in the Fifties to the now-unfashionable Modern Movement .
21 Inside the pump-house there was little more to do , but they smashed the transformer oil pipes with sledge-hammers and threw down some tar baby incendiaries .
22 Hare-coursers mowed down this fence , cutting the wire so that four wheel drive vehicles can get across the countryside .
23 Mr. Livsey : Will the Secretary of State note that British Coal Opencast has decided again to try for permission to work the Bryn Henllys site in my constituency , after an inspector turned down that application about a year ago ?
24 Other than that he showed up Giggs for the puke faced brat that he is ( all 10,000,000 and Papin worth of him — Ferguson will rue the day he turned down that offer ) .
25 The local council says the women turned down other accomodation but admits there is severe housing pressure in the Wantage area .
26 The Trustees turned down this request , saying that a larger scheme at a later date would be preferable .
27 The American administration turned down this offer for fear of weakening the case for constructing the new Diego Garcia base .
28 Yorick turned down this attempt at consolation .
29 High-flying Norwich had a £1 million approach for Armstrong turned down last year .
30 Yet in spite of these difficulties the Company turned down any chance of surrender ‘ and would be treated as brigands ’ according to the message Donald Ross brought to Hatu-Lia on 13 March — three weeks after the Japanese landed .
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