Example sentences of "[vb past] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This meeting with Temple was so important to him that the photograph of the group hung on the wall of his room when he died .
2 The room was bare , except for the staircase , and a pair of indifferent watercolours of dead flowers that hung on the wall opposite the door .
3 She came downstairs , hung on the wall a portrait of himself that Robin had painted , and his easel below it ; and gave orders that they were not to be removed .
4 They considered the saleability of a washstand , a swinging mirror , a flowered pottery basin and jug , and then as they descended by the back stairs , the plates in dull red and dark blue and gold glaze that hung on the wall there and might , from the hieroglyphs on their backs , possibly be Chinese and perhaps valuable .
5 An embroidered sampler hung on the wall , A BOY 'S BEST FRIEND IS HIS MOTHER .
6 Cheery posters hung on the wall , and there were a lot of tables shaped like children 's bricks that did for stools or in-trays , made of clear Perspex and spotted with dabs of red and blue paint .
7 She ran one finger across the keys of his typewriter and looked across the room to the photo of him which hung on the wall , smiling .
8 Rather : thin muslin sheets of brown and red were being pulled past his eyes , patterned like the blankets woven by the women , patterned like the rug that hung on the wall in his daughter 's room .
9 Same list of icecream flavours hung on the wall and bowl of aniseed lollipops on the counter , same gilt baskets of croissants and racks like umbrella stands packed with tall loaves .
10 With a piercing stab of remorse at yet another misconstruction , Merrill recalled the painting she had thought belonged to Luke , which hung on the wall outside his room .
11 It was like coming home and the first thing she did was to walk to the pictures that hung on the wall and look at them all over again .
12 I padded round the room and quietly filched any precious object there : a small set of silver candlesticks , two finely chased pewter goblets and a cunningly wrought steel crucifix which hung on the wall .
13 He looked at his wife 's portrait which hung on the wall opposite where he sat .
14 A rectangle of cardboard hung on the door announcing that the shop was due to open at nine o'clock .
15 A roller towel hung on the door .
16 Jack found a piece of driftwood , its gnarled form worn totally smooth by the action of the waves , and they decided it would look wonderful in his barn hung on the brickwork chimney-breast , so he carried it for the rest of the morning until they returned to their little camp at lunchtime .
17 As I hung on the phone , I ingested the sad evidence of a service which , although well-intentioned , simply had n't coped .
18 And I remember , too , those I had n't eaten by the time I got home we hung on the tree .
19 She could have added : ‘ least of all with you ’ and it seemed to her that the words , unspoken , hung on the air between them .
20 Silence hung on the air , and when he turned back he saw that Suragai was still watching as if he did not understand what had occurred .
21 The same smell of stale tobacco hung on the air that she recalled from her only meeting with Tatyana Nowak the day before her suicide .
22 A chilling smell of antiseptic hung on the air .
23 Tristan was not in the sitting room but a haze of smoke hung on the air and a reek like a garden bonfire prickled in my nostrils .
24 The smell of freshly-fried falafels hung on the air , reminding Huy that he had not yet breakfasted .
25 Cashmere sports jackets hung on the back of their chairs , insurance against an encounter with air-conditioning .
26 Mr Gillis was nick-named the Butcher because in summer he wore a white trilby hat which he hung on the back of the door of his tiny glass-walled office in the corridor just outside the gymnasium .
27 He fumbled about on the table , felt in the pockets of the odorous hawk-training jacket which hung on the back of the door , told his sister to try the cupboard .
28 Her coat hung on the back of the door , her handbag stood open on the side .
29 In the stunned silence George Felse got up , without speaking , and crossed the room to where Gus 's jacket hung on the back of a chair , turned towards the replenished fire , and steamed gently as it dried .
30 He grabbed his overcoat which hung on the inside of the door .
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