Example sentences of "[vb past] only the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of the nine republics which officially took part in the referendum , five ( Azerbaijan , Byelorussia , Kirghizia , Tadjikistan and Turkmenia ) asked only the question as set by the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies .
2 The new pseudo-Romanesque façade maintained only the doorway .
3 Three different circuits were used : The Outer Circuit ( the full course ) measured 4.45 km ( 2.77 miles ) ; the Short Course took in everything except the Home Banking , and was 4.21 km ( 2.62 miles ) long ; and the Mountain Course used only the Home Banking and Finishing Straight and measured 1.88 km ( 1.17 miles ) .
4 It bore only the mark of Falconer 's boots . ’
5 Like the cry of a banshee , the sounds of the Elder Gods re-awakening from their slumber bore only the prophecy of death .
6 For Hitler and the Nazi leadership , it provided only the base for racial-imperialist conquest and a war of annihilation .
7 The first stage involved only the opening steps in Darwin 's overall argumentation from individual generation to species formation .
8 I wanted to meet Peruvians and speak to them one to one ; and in Cuzco I encountered only the persistence of hawkers , the sullen attention of displaced campesinos , a world that turned itself or me into shadows .
9 Luce caught only the tail-end of Rosa 's murmur as the housekeeper slipped out , closing the door quietly behind her .
10 v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food the Court of Appeal , while regarding itself as bound by the view that Article 86 gave rise to a claim for damages , held that another directly applicable provision , Article 30 ( dealing with quantitative restrictions on imports ) attracted only the remedy of judicial review .
11 Lynch in fact , directed only the pilot and one of the subsequent eight one-hour episodes , turning the scripts he co-wrote with former Hill Street Blues man Mark Frost over to guest directors including Tim Hunter ( River 's Edge ) and Caleb Deschanel ( Crusoe ) .
12 In the 1991 Chairman 's report it made clear the fact that the Buckfastleigh Branch having been leased in 1991 to the South Devon Railway Trust , showed only the fare income for the Paignton branch , hence a fall in turnover from the 1990 season , which included the fare income from the Buckfastleigh branch .
13 For mothers , feminists claimed only the right to extend their domestic influence beyond the home , and to practise what was later termed ‘ social ’ or ‘ civic maternalism ’ .
14 Although some of the more sophisticated lawyers may well have been culturally alienated from the mass of the people , these practitioners charged high fees and served only the élite .
15 The overwhelming majority of the population now accepted that the war was irretrievably lost , and some voiced the feeling that its continuation , with the inevitable accompanying great losses , served only the interest of the leadership of the Reich , since it was obvious that the coming catastrophe would mean their own destruction .
17 But Theda heard only the landlady 's vicious tone following her .
18 ‘ You heard only the kiwi , ’ she returned defiantly .
19 She heard only the wind conversing with the ice , the dawn thaw , the shush of tiny rocks dragged free by the first-light gale , each one a whisper but so many it was the shout of a breaker on the shore .
20 She heard only the slap of water against the harbour wall , the occasional cry of a gull .
21 The procession , which included only the Queen , the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke of Kent from the Royal Family , arrived at the chapel in pouring rain .
22 In descending order of size the PCR products corresponded to an 800 bp product in which AD1 is spliced ; a 500 bp product in which AD1 and repeat 11 are spliced ; and finally a 250 bp product which included only the repeat 10 and repeat 13 sequences .
23 In their Lordship 's judgment , the Guinness Articles permitted only the Board and not a committee of the Board to make the award of a fee to Mr Ward .
24 The context of the event and the event itself often went unreported , simply because the journalist assigned to the ‘ story ’ covered only the opening speech .
25 Some , contrary to the spirit of the Act of 1834 , supplemented wages and gave outdoor relief to the unemployed , recognizing that on occasion jobs were not to be found ; others offered only the workhouse .
26 His own approaches , however , brought only the admission from Washington that the talks were designed to reach a better understanding of the respective positions of the two countries .
27 In spite of the pain in his hands , as he drank with his boss Dai felt only the excitement of having achieved his goal .
28 Herself , she felt only the irony ; hell was nearer Adam 's experience than paradise .
29 Assuming a three-course rotation , it implies 7 — 8 acres arable plus meadow and grazing ( or common rights ) , making a farm of perhaps a dozen acres — bigger if ‘ corn ’ meant only the cereal crop .
30 During the storm there were moments of joy and light ; the aftermath contained only the sickness .
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