Example sentences of "[vb past] [pn reflx] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes a midshipman 's place was sheer necessity , as in the case of a son of an Angus freeholder named David Lyell who found himself involuntarily a member of the Royal Navy .
2 Like Sukova , Graf found herself down a set before snapping to attention .
3 Of course you can well I knew of a girl who married I would n't say she 'd married well when she started out but her husband was enterprising e eventually got himself quite a good job at the at people who print the bank notes so so that they they started off in a prefab and they ended up with a new four bedroom bungalow with central heating at Athorpe Roding .
4 He flung himself down the marble stairs , and out through the front doors of the school .
5 However , the only disaster occurred inside the Tower , where the duty staff dived to the floor when it looked as if the port wing was going to come through the window and a bottle of red ink emptied itself down the right sleeve of Flt Lt Dunlop , the Officer in Charge .
6 Then , without another word , he hauled himself up the ladder , leaving her wide-eyed , speechless , and so confused that she wanted to scream .
7 She got up from the table and poured herself out a glass of water , and then sat down again .
8 When she had gone , Sarah poured herself out a large mug of thick black tea .
9 I stumbled into the cuddy and poured myself half a mugful of whisky .
10 The corporal and the airmen first put on some trousers and literally threw themselves down the brae to meet the girls .
11 Ian shook himself free from his bunk , pulled on his flannels and swung himself up the companionway and on to the deck .
12 He gave a brief nod , and swung himself down the companionway .
13 We called ourselves proudly the extremists , the vanguard , but it was n't until we read the American CLIT papers in 1973 that we knew we had a name other than men-haters .
14 Masklin pulled himself up the wire and on to the table , feeling very exposed .
15 Of course — he pulled himself together a bit — as a scientist I find all these phenomena extremely interesting .
16 Aenarion carved himself out a new kingdom in northern Ulthuan , in the bleak land of Nagarythe , a place that mirrored his own dismal mood .
17 With a final gesture she put the key on the sill of the narrow window and pulled herself up the stone steps .
18 I pulled myself up the safety line and made my way past the tangle of tethers up to the surface , where the boat tender was frantically pulling in all the lines .
19 She ran down the gangplank and watched as the dog heaved himself up the bank , dragging his burden .
20 When he peered into his mirror he saw himself already a little stooped in the shoulders , a little heavy in the body , the full cheeks beginning to hang , their old ruddy colour grown muddy and pale , strands of grey in the short , forked beard and at the high temples , and above all , that permanent , aching double pleat between the long , thin brows , scored a little deeper every day .
21 She eased herself down a few rungs , praying it would n't collapse under her .
22 Tucking a clean pale blue T-shirt into his shorts , he did n't even glance in her direction , but called over his shoulder as he hoisted himself up the ladder , ‘ I 'll expect a mug of tea in five minutes . ’
23 I had already acquired the address from the ‘ yellow pages ’ and estimated that it was a ten mile drive , thus I gave myself half an hour to account for delays .
24 Aberdeen 's bid to stage a re-run of their European Cup-Winners ' Cup Final win against Real Madrid has failed because the Spanish club priced themselves out the market .
25 We dragged ourselves up the wide , eroded mess of a path that leads to Ben Lawers and up into the storm .
26 When he had gone , she dragged herself up the iron staircase to her own room .
27 More news from casualty corner : this week 's cover stars THERAPY ? compromised themselves just a tad during their KEVIN CUMMINS photo session when drummer FYFE calmly excused himself , walked out of shot mid-click and proceeded to chuck his guts up for about ten minutes .
28 But you said yourself just a few moments ago that I 've been involved in a world where drugs are common currency . ’
29 I kicked myself all the way back to the hotel for being an arrant coward , and next day persuaded my companion to return with me to the scene of our defeat and try again .
30 He was a big man with a fine moustache about the same age as her father had been , Emily guessed , but it was quite apparent that he considered himself quite a dandy .
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