Example sentences of "[vb past] [pn reflx] as the " in BNC.

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1 He never ever thought that he might live in one of these houses ; he always cast himself as the honoured young guest .
2 On the set , Dustin cast himself as the sensible person , whereas Mia was busy ‘ talking to the spirit of Mozart ’ , perhaps under the influence of André Previn ( still married to Dory Previn ) , the conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra , with whom she had recently fallen in love .
3 He described himself as the ‘ natural son ’ of his parents on his baptism certificate , and this may explain the affinity he felt for the boy .
4 Re then described himself as the creator and related his names of Khepri at sunrise , Re at noon and Atum at sunset .
5 Lloyd & Co. had received their instructions from a member of Mr. Mahdi 's group who apparently described himself as the ‘ foreign minister ’ of the Somali Republic .
6 He described himself as the sinful Messiah .
7 He once described himself as the ‘ grandfather ’ of that generation of Tories that includes Michael Forsyth and Michael Fallon , a phrase that embarrasses him now .
8 However , Hope , by that time , clearly regarded himself as the embodiment of blacks ' ambitions .
9 The Bulgarian Social Democrat Party ( BSDP ) had originally called itself the Bulgarian Socialist Party , but redesignated itself as the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party ( non-Marxist ) , at its first national conference held on March 31 in Sofia , thereby ceding the BSP name to be adopted by the BCP [ see p. 37380 ] .
10 That morning an advertisement appeared in the Belfast News Letter warning that a body which described itself as the Ulster Workers Council would call a general strike if the Assembly approved the Sunningdale agreement .
11 Certainly , it regarded itself as the leader of the Six : the British proposal would weaken that position .
12 Amy cast herself as The Maid and proceeded to rush around the house performing errands and putting the world to rights .
13 They described themselves as the forgotten people of Chile .
14 ‘ The English are great lovers of themselves , and of everything belonging to them ’ , wrote the Venetian diplomat Andrea Trevisano at the end of the fifteenth century ; ‘ they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say that he ‘ looks like an Englishman' ’ and that ‘ it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ’ , words echoed exactly in 1521 by the Scottish scholar John Major ; while the German knight Nicolas von Popplau , who visited England in 1484 , found a people who regarded themselves as the wisest in the world .
15 I was not prepared to commit myself completely in every situation , as I found myself as the actor and the spectator at the same time .
16 Said ‘ tell me more ’ , then revealed himself as the reviewer of the DOE proposal and only later suggested that we collaborate …
17 Throughout his long struggle with Giraud , de Gaulle depicted himself as the one who was in touch with the aspirations of the Resistance .
18 At a further press conference on Jan. 19 the opposition parties produced Maj. József Vegvari , an officer in the State Security Service who identified himself as the source of the leaked information , who alleged that reports compiled as a result of the surveillance operation had regularly been passed to senior HSP members and discussed at meetings of the Council of Ministers .
19 January 1945 , by which time the Russians had established , and officially recognised the Union of Polish Patriots , ( later called the Lubin Committee ) and it proclaimed itself as the provisional government of Poland , a procedure which did not please the British , Americans , or the London Poles .
20 Kate told herself as the Porsche leapt forward as if pleased to be released from this rather unfashionable and cheap part of London which was the only place she could afford to live in a small flat by herself .
21 Sometimes people addressed letters mistakenly to Lady Muriel Selvedge , and on these occasions she imagined herself as the daughter of an earl , a marquess , or even a duke , comfortably unmarried .
22 After the defection of members like John Strachey and Harold Nicolson , Mosley 's movement relaunched itself as the British Union of Fascists on I October 1932 .
23 The blue , after a while , revealed itself as the dress of a woman walking behind an ox .
24 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
25 In this speech , Mr Patten confirmed himself as the leading exponent in the Cabinet of a traditional Toryism owing nothing to Mrs Thatcher .
26 CMEAD widened its membership and subsequently reconstituted itself as the National Forum for Management Education and Development ( NFMEAD ) .
27 At its 19th congress on Oct. 23-27 the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions ( AUCCTU ) reconstituted itself as the General Confederation of USSR Trade Unions .
28 One year on from its declaration of independence from the CPSU [ see pp. 37128-29 ] , the Lithuanian Communist Party ( LCP ) reorganized itself as the Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party at an extraordinary congress on Dec. 8-9 .
29 De Gaulle was perceived and perceived himself as the incarnation of both revolution and restoration .
30 Mr. Qalib signed himself as the ‘ Prime Minister of Somalia . ’
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