Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [art] great " in BNC.

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1 In the 1920s , she 'd been a great beauty and a sharp dresser .
2 The Vascos and Fernandos had been no greater than Osvaldo .
3 Excessive secrecy , unwillingness to consult with senior politicians , reluctance to uncover the hands of cards on the table of missions and operations , and for all that covertness there had been no great efficiency and success .
4 This , the biggest single enclave in Sussex , not only demonstrates the continued dependence of the prototype works at Newbridge on immigrant workmen , but also implies that there had been no great pool of indigenous labour to draw on in the first place .
5 The shares fell 3p to 276p yesterday , in line with the market , and Ian Wild , of brokers Barclays de Zoete Wedd , said there had been no great surprises in the figures .
6 I did not sleep well that night : it had been a great day and the call of the wild kept me nervous and excited .
7 Since it had been a great success when read aloud to ‘ our local club ’ , Tolkien had absolute confidence in submitting it to the publisher of The Hobbit , Stanley Unwin .
8 THE OPENING ceremony had been a great success .
9 His landscaping at Quernmore Park near Lancaster had been a great success , as was his probable design for Casterton Hall near Kirkby Lonsdale , which looks uncommonly like Leck .
10 There had been a great deal of tinkering but no overall review .
11 At one time it was widely believed that there had been a great rise in the birth-rate ; there was , in fact , a slow rise to the end of the 1861–70 decade , after which the rate began to fall .
12 It was only released to the world , after translation , in 1921 when Richard Haehl procured the manuscript from Hahnemann 's ancestors by which time there had been a great establishment of homœopathy by J.T. Kent and those who followed him .
13 My father had been a great admirer of Kemal Ataturk — he fought in the Turkish army against the British in Gaza — and Ataturk 's picture hung in the living-room .
14 THE Brownies ' Hallowe'en party had been a great success Carol had enjoyed every minute of it .
15 A tragedy in a way , for I thought that Allan Wells had been a great athlete .
16 It had been a great relief to learn from the lawyers that Sunset Cottage , Overclyst , their new home , was already furnished .
17 The barbarian kings had been a great source of perplexity to the Christian bishops of the early Middle Ages .
18 In the autumn there had been a great commotion when a large party of the King 's and Warden 's men , some fifty of them , mounted and heavily armed , gathered on Steep Ridgery and carefully marked where the plumes of smoke were rising — often there were more than one — and made off purposefully towards them .
19 It had been a great moment .
20 That had been a great adventure , but it was nothing to his travels .
21 ‘ The reaction from my clients and business contacts was tremendous — perhaps some of them wish they had done the same — and one senior partner from the Big Six wrote and told me that his mother had been a great friend of Lady Reading , the WRVS 's founder , and that until he was 15 he thought all women dressed in green ! ’
22 There had been a great deal of fussing tonight .
23 There had been a great Victorian pile of a hospital there then , maybe still was unless they had demolished it , its chimney concealed inside a mock campanile .
24 The small orchestra was ‘ feeble ’ , and Mozart wrote sadly to his wife that the concert had been a great success from the point of view of honour and glory , but a complete financial flop .
25 Joanna Lumley had always had a passion , as she put it , for Dirk Bogarde ; Dustin Hoffman was a fan of Sting ; John Lennon had been a great Monty Python fan , and so Yoko was delighted to meet John Cleese .
26 Kate said the evening had been a great success : it received plenty of local press coverage , the Rossendale Group increased its membership , and the Mayor agreed to donate £100 to Amnesty .
27 At the end of 1067 there had been a great fire which had made nearly all the buildings unusable except the dormitory , the refectory , and enough of the cloister to make it possible for the monks to walk from one building to another without getting wet .
28 Where the father had been a great general , the son was rash and impetuous .
29 Those limitations had been a great attraction to Anna , when they first met .
30 That had been a great and memorable moment ; that was when they knew he was a man of substance .
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