Example sentences of "[vb past] [n mass] at the " in BNC.

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1 The church cost £2,000 at the time .
2 As deputy Speaker Michael Morris told MPs at the first sitting of the line-by-line committee stage in January : ‘ I must emphasise that this bill does not ratify the treaty ; it makes changes in domestic law consequential upon the treaty . ’
3 During the seven months of its inclusion , ESD added £5m at the operating line , a £1½m benefit to profits after financing charges on the cash paid .
4 Greg Martin also paid £1,380 at the Christie 's sale for a 1890 halfpenny coin shot through the centre by the legendary sharpshooter with her Winchester .
5 But Mr Davies , who leaves behind a lower paid £85,000 at the commission , conceded he would have little difficulty in signing up for the business priorities agreed by the CBI 's governing council for the incoming government .
6 The original Air Ministry design certificate for this aircraft fetched £3,100 at the Sotheby 's sale .
7 The man in his late twenties threatened staff at the Alliance and Leicester branch on High Street in Oxford.It 's not yet known how much money was taken .
8 The gesture not only delighted Ellen but touched staff at the Godfrey Ermen Home for the Blind in Southport where the couple met and fell in love eight years ago .
9 Alan Milburn , Labour 's prospective MP for Darlington , met staff at the Rothmans factory in McMullen Road .
10 Alan Milburn , Labour 's prospective Parliamentary candidate for Darlington , met staff at the factory in McMullen Road .
11 When Charles James Fox lost £200,000 at the gaming tables as a young man , his father and others came to the rescue .
12 There were losses of £1.08m from brickmaking in the United States and £1.34m from wood pulp , but brickmaking in this country made £9.79m at the still respectable margin of 15 p.c .
13 Deposits by UK residents totalled £240m at the time of the crash .
14 Council house rent arrears totalled £430M at the end of March 1991 , Housing Minister Sir George Young has said .
15 In an ugly incident in November , armed raiders forced staff at the Athena/Claude Gill Bargain Bookshop on Oxford Street , London , to hand over at gunpoint around £4,500 from the safe and left them locked in the basement with tape over their mouths .
16 The judge also said staff at the Berkshire sub-post office may never recover from the terror of that day .
17 Yesterday Brendan Boyle , of the council 's planning department , said staff at the Bowes Museum had applied to make a survey of Clark 's Yard to establish whether a full dig would be necessary .
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