Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] at last " in BNC.

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1 He drew back at last .
2 ‘ Well at least you got through at last , ’ said Carrington .
3 But when Fleury came back at last and told him how they were faring in the Residency , Harry knew he would have to take the risk .
4 They came out at last and Haile Selassie went forward under a crimson canopy to show himself to his people .
5 Her patience paid off at last when she heard Miss Hardbroom tell the girls to pack up their books , and after much clattering and bustling , the door closed and the laboratory fell silent .
6 Well , that Arthur turned up at last and the vicar married them , but afterwards me sister let Arthur know just 'ow she felt , she chucked the whole weddin' cake at 'im , then 'er bokey an' then a full bottle of port .
7 Donald McCulloch came back from ‘ the reel of Ballechin' long after his mother , and when he got up at last next morning , the cold porridge had been thrown out to the hens .
8 Thomas got up at last from his new place in the middle of the table , which he had quite liked because it had leg access to a rung where he could wriggle his feet when he was bored .
9 He got up at last and stared out of the window at the empty road and the gravel pits , grey in the dawn light .
10 ‘ You know my position , ’ he broke out at last .
11 ‘ It 's simple really , ’ Jennifer went on at last .
12 ‘ But why ? ’ asked the Ambassador when he looked up at last .
13 When I looked up at last , it was to see the near cliffs bright with the afternoon sun , and the sea creaming calmly against the storm beach in the gentlest of high tides .
14 The blond man looked up at last — and his eyes latched on to Cardiff .
15 As he released her hand and slid his fingers through her hair , drawing her unresisting head towards him , she reached out at last to touch the dark curls at his ear .
16 Penry made several attempts to break it , but gave up at last , his face like thunder as he drove at a speed which frightened Leonora to death .
17 No , I bottled out at last minute .
18 ‘ But — but , ’ Heather burst out at last , ‘ there must be somewhere , Trusty .
19 He sat down at last to silence , but as a man fulfilled : the tutorial was over .
20 The berries on the trees , dust washed off at last , have an inviting dewy sheen .
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