Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] in [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Faith and I also flew around the pattern and it felt great despite small problems with the tape out on the aircraft to protect the patches stitched on in Bangkok .
2 This enacts in statutory form the rule laid down in Christie v. Leachinsky ( H.
3 It would be necessary , if the evidence were to be admitted under that doctrine , that the three conditions laid down in Ladd v. Marshall should be fulfilled .
4 If this decision were to be upheld , the appellants stand to lose their liberty and , in my judgment , it would not be right that such a result should occur when the evidence is excluded only on the basis of the rather stricter rules laid down in Ladd v. Marshall .
5 Indeed , the Court of Appeal has indicated that the law laid down in Lonrho has effectively resulted in the unlawful means category no longer existing in any meaningful form ; but until the law is finally clarified by the House of Lords it seems justifiable to continue to speak of two forms of the tort .
6 The strain of conducting frontier warfare against the French and their Indian allies , without assistance from the south , forced the Massachusetts assembly to ask for help from England in terms that showed a reasonable willingness to co-operate with policy laid down in London .
7 Somerset 's governmental changes included the legalization of the English language as the official medium , the introduction of English currency , the setting up of a council of advice , and attempts to ameliorate the treatment of slaves in accordance with new policies laid down in London .
8 The House of Lords upheld the law laid down in West 's case , Lord Scarman stating at p189 :
9 President Bush had announced to the US Congress on Jan. 15 his decision to release US$42,500,000 in military aid to El Salvador , on the grounds that guerrillas of the FMLN had failed to comply with certain conditions laid down in October 1990 , when the United States decided to withhold the aid [ see p. 37770 ] .
10 One qualification that should be made to the general formula that Lord Goddard laid down in Hinchcliffe v. Sheldon is that it appears to make a person guilty of obstructing by omission , and the view may be expressed that this is not the law .
11 Nevertheless the general approach laid down in Rogers v. Parish ( Scarborough ) Ltd. applies equally to second-hand vehicles Business Applications Specialists Ltd. v. Nationwide Credit Corpn .
12 The judge declined to find that any of the information contained in the blue book bore the stamp of confidentiality within the criteria laid down in Faccenda Chicken , ie it could not be described as a trade secret or anything approximating thereto .
13 A majority of overseas workers are disqualified from the employment protection rights laid down in UK legislation .
14 In effect , the principle is the same as that laid down in G. v. G. ( Minors : Custody Appeal ) [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 647 .
15 The principle laid down in Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 , Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 , and adopted in Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , 56 L.J.Q.B. 457 clearly establish that proposition .
16 On his return from China on Dec. 30 Herzog stopped over in Kazakhstan when he met with that country 's President , Nursultan Nazarbayev .
17 ‘ I stopped over in Barbados .
18 When Mitchell cooled off in September , Clark came into his own , to the delight of his manager .
19 Mr Michael ‘ Whackson ’ Jackson surprised observers of the pop scene when he stopped off in London en route from his coronation as an African tribal king ( see ‘ A Bit of a Git ’ ) .
20 She stopped off in Britain yesterday on her way to Florida , from where she will take up to 1,250 passengers , pampered by 500 crew , on her maiden cruise to the Caribbean .
21 ‘ Señora Sunderby should have flown straight to Punta Arenas , but instead she stopped off in Lima .
22 En route we stopped off in St. Omer with its neat old fashioned square and impressive cathedral where we ate delicious crepes .
23 When they stopped off in Wolverhampton to change trains a fight broke out after they angered other drinkers by waving their warrant cards .
24 Australia , shorn of some 12 Test players due to unavailability , stopped off in Canada on the way to their eight-match engagement in France to join in British Columbian rugby 's centenary celebrations .
25 a friend of mine stopped off in Leicester Square
26 All the terrible things she had thought earlier rose up in Pat 's mind .
27 The report was prepared by a working party set up in January to investigate large positions the American investment bank built up in MCC shares during that period but failed to disclose .
28 Fortunately , though , the eruption petered out in July 1973 before irrevocable damage had been done .
29 Georgina sank back in Ivor 's chair .
30 We quickly bounced back in Montserrat , yet another heavenly island .
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