Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Each year Mrs Curdle asked to see how the previous year 's bouquet had worn , so that the doctor and his wife were in honour bound not to destroy these offerings .
2 The governor responded by crafting a bill that establishes 11 semi-autonomous boards across the state , one in each region , empowered to carry out the negotiations within a set of basic guidelines .
3 But what of the farmers expected to carry out the work in a time of recession .
4 came unto the workmen and beat and terrified them , threatening to kill them , if they would not leave their work , threw some of them in the river and kept them under water with long poles , and at several other times , upon the Knelling of a Bell , came to the said works in riotous and warlike manner , divided themselves into companies , to take the workmen and filled up the ditches and drains , made to carry away the water , burned up the working tools and other materials of the Relator and his workmen , and set up poles in the form of gallows , to terrifie the workmen and threatened to break their arms and legs , and beat and hurt many of them and made others flee away , whom they pursued to a town with such terror and threats , that they were forced to guard the town .
5 Plus , plus you got to see how the other breeds are doing , and
6 His stubborn cousin , who saw his models as a kind of earth , part of the body and blood of the soil they dug , one impregnating the other , failed to see how the interchange he saw stamped on the dazed faces of these men could be smoothed away without losing the secret of how they lived , rooted and dumb and rough-barked as live willow trees .
7 Critics of the Tirgu Mures report said that it failed to spell out the reasons for the outburst of hatred between Romanians and ethnic Hungarians in Transylvania , preferring instead to lay the blame on Ceausescu 's legacy , actions of the former Securitate political police , and disinformation on the part of extremists on both sides .
8 The London conference in June 1990 agreed to tighten up the protocol and phase out production and consumption of CFCs by not later than the year 2000 .
9 I agreed to pass on the message as I was on my way to Make-up . ’
10 In February 1960 , the Cabinet agreed to write off the £60 million already spent so far on Blue Streak , and to seek an alternative delivery system for British nuclear warheads .
11 The Socialist leader took charge of the mandate after the conservative New Democracy Party , which fell three seats short of an overall majority in the general elections last weekend , failed to drum up the extra support it needed to create a minority administration .
12 Broker Cazenove , responsible for marketing the UK tranche of the share sale , failed to drum up the same level of enthusiasm exhibited in other centres .
13 The only rough treatment they got in the first half , worked in their favour , as Jim Magilton was hauled down , but up he bounced to hit home the penalty .
14 But the Scanachrome process introduces a linear scanning over the whole image , so I proposed to paint only the area of the TV screen and leave the scanning on everything that is n't TV .
15 Whenever he tried to go home the old woman would throw a magic ball of thread into his boat and draw him back to shore .
16 As I lay back on my bed I tried to work out the connection between him and the British Empire and Fresnes gaol , but could make nothing of it .
17 Playing with the selectors challenged my mathematics as I tried to work out the exact number of available tones , but let's just say there should be something here for virtually every style of player .
18 Laura frowned , glancing swiftly up at his tanned features , and she tried to work out the family ramifications .
19 It was alleged that Moin tried to scuff up the pitch — but England officials said yesterday that they would not study the video .
20 Surprisingly , only Roger E Bryan tried to conjure up the real Neil Kinnock , now unsuppressed by his minders and able to give full rein to his natural prolixity : ‘ I am full of hate , spite , yes malice and rage/Or even loathing , disgust , rancour , venom and wrath …
21 Sometimes , when she had been to a romantic film , or had been kissed good-night by Pogo , she had sat on the edge of her bed , staring at that dark , handsome , boy 's face and tried to conjure up the memory of his living presence .
22 Staring at his back , she tried to conjure up the image of him lover-like , tender , and failed .
23 Ted resumed the operation of the cabin and tried to shake off the depressing atmosphere that now pervaded the small room .
24 Resolutely she tried to shake off the memories , but they persisted .
25 She tried to shake off the feelings but it was sheer impossibility and he smiled down at her .
26 At first , they tried to pull off the dogs with their hands and then used their truncheons .
27 First he scratched away the plaster , then he tried to pull out the bricks .
28 With everyone else gone Tonks had to fend for himself so he tried to find out the truth .
29 He tried to open out the conversation .
30 Judy knew Brown Owl would be very cross if she saw Mandy on the other side of the fence — but she did n't have time to worry very long about that , for in a minute or two a loud , frightened scream shrilled from Mandy , who had stepped forward and bent to pick up the ball resting on the bright-green surface of the ground — and found herself up to her knees in treacherous , clinging slime .
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