Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Fourteen ( 15% ) of the control group failed to be seen again in a hospital diabetes clinic during the study period compared with only three ( 3.4% ) of the prompted patients who failed to attend for clinical diabetic review ( p=0.013 ; table IV ) .
2 The Eleven agreed to proceed by qualified majority vote on health and safety , working conditions , information and consultation of workers , equality at work between men and women , and integration of persons excluded from the labour market .
3 Now the curious thing was that if you looked at the early atmosphere , the molecules in that were the molecules that we expected to see in interstellar space .
4 On Oct. 10 at an extraordinary conference on combating racist violence , federal and Land interior and justice ministers failed to agree on appropriate measures .
5 When the heads of government of the five ASEAN countries held their first meeting for eight years in February 1976 in Indo-China they failed to agree on regional security and the communiqué of the meeting did not mention neutralisation .
6 Signature of the treaty was preceded on Sept. 7 by a final session of the two-plus-four talks [ see also pp. 37659 ; 37535 ; 37466 ] at which ministers failed to agree on outstanding issues .
7 The art seems to have died out in Crete altogether , yet mysteriously reappeared in Mycenae in the thirteenth century BC ; Sinclair Hood ( 1978 ) has suggested that after the conquest of Minoan Crete by Myceneans , the finest craftsmen may have been taken by force to the mainland and made to work for new masters .
8 The government has already invested large sums of money in engineering crops that resist insect pests and the climatic extremes expected to come with global warming
9 After Victoria 's accession Lehzen , never skilled in personal relationships , failed to adjust to changed circumstances and her charge 's coming of age .
10 In a Andean Declaration on the initiative , the participants agreed to work with other Latin American countries and the USA in order to formulate the necessary mechanisms to bring it into existence .
11 Following the Rhineland-Palatinate election the CSU threatened to withdraw from the governing CDU/CSU/FDP coalition at federal level , but after a five-hour meeting on May 8 the parties agreed to work towards common policies on such issues as abortion and immigration , and to reassert their traditional values .
12 This was the third Cabinet change since September [ see pp. 37702-03 ] and was thought to reflect growing tensions within the government as it tried to cope with military setbacks in the current civil war , an economic crisis and mounting social unrest , especially in the capital Mogadishu [ see pp. 37767-68 ] .
13 ‘ P-please , sir , we tried to go in straight lines .
14 He tried to slip in unnoticed but it was too late .
15 Irrigation ditches like thin strips of sky ran away through the flat fields where figures bent to work with short hoes .
16 In an address on March 9 Soglo paid tribute to Kerekou for accepting the political reforms , and promised to work towards consolidating democracy .
17 Mo agreed that even politicians could not please everybody and moved to talk to 31-year-old Sandra Gordon-Morgan , a part-time dressmaking teacher who lost her job when the local authority cut its adult education budget .
18 They tried to talk of other things than murder and violence but there were too many reminders .
19 His " Basis and directives for a Plan for economic recovery , in harmony with our national reconstruction " viewed the fundamental problem as the Spanish trade deficit , which he proposed to eliminate by massive state intervention to stimulate exports and reduce imports .
20 At first it appeared a good development for the island — the Germans promised to look after poor patients with tuberculosis and , in return , were given many favourable concessions such as duty-free importation of equipment and the right to expropriate land .
21 Mosley now tried to collaborate with other anti-war forces , but to little avail although this activity was to prove disastrous for the BUF in 1940 .
22 With all of these writers the technical , and apparently neutral , quality of their specialist , language is used to give greater weight and universality to arguments about literacy and objectivity which , when analysed closely , can he demonstrated to rest upon social and ideological presuppositions .
23 They trained to land in various numbers , although in later years some nine men made up the team in a powered dory .
24 It tried to fasten on innocuous bits of bark and leaf , but the scourge of curiosity forced it to leave them behind .
25 Shevardnadze said that in order to create favourable conditions for negotiations on the reduction of short-range nuclear weapons , the Soviet Union proposed to withdraw from central Europe by the end of 1990 , 60 tactical missile launchers , over 250 nuclear artillery units , and 1,500 nuclear warheads .
26 However , they had been plunged into a welter of activity in which they tried to respond to urgent and practical matters placed before them and it is , therefore , not surprising that a commonly held view was that ‘ the best form of training comes from getting on with the job ’ .
27 Mrs Thatcher tried to respond to social critics by emphasizing the government 's caring image in help for the elderly and programmes for schools .
28 Provision must be made for emergencies and a degree of flexibility maintained to allow for changing circumstances , such as the introduction of a new subject or course .
29 John Haden , headmaster of Wymondham College in Norfolk and chairman of the Boarding Schools Association , tried to get beyond dismal economics in his speech to the conference : ‘ I want to move on this week from value-added to added values … we need confidence in the values , moral and spiritual , which our schools uphold and celebrate ’ , he said .
30 I tried to think of specific areas … like number of wins — home record — goals etc .
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