Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb infin] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the death of Charles James Fox [ q.v. ] in 1806 , Creevey became dissatisfied with the party 's leaders , and his attacks on the Grenvilles helped weaken Whig unity .
2 Appeared in 22 Carry Ons , including Carry On With The Same Old Camp Jokes That Helped Make Gay People A Hated Minority .
3 Daniel Becker , director of the global warming programme of the US environmental group , the Sierra Club , declared that : " The United States helped make this conference a failure .
4 But by then their finances were already weakened by the takeover frenzy of the late 1980s and by their alliance with Robert Campeau , whom they helped buy Federated Stores in the United States .
5 As well as serving as informed sources themselves , they helped identify additional experts who were interviewed .
6 The author and the Editor would like to thank the scientists who helped keep these tales within the bounds of fact : entomologist Dr John Maunder and parasitologist Dr Ian Burgess , both of the University of Cambridge .
7 Spenser represented real cultural preoccupations in his texts but these representational forms became vehicles which helped enforce cultural categories and the apparent identities they confer .
8 As was pointed out earlier , it responded to popular taste , observing new taboos about racism and sexism , just as it helped demolish old ones of sexual modesty and obscene language .
9 Travelling on a mission trip sponsored by the Cottage Hill Baptist Church , she helped distribute 35,000 Bibles in Moscow and attended church services .
10 I feel it was an enormous privilege to have known them because they made work such fun .
11 In his preface to the catalogue , Apollinaire wrote : ‘ The new painters who made manifest this year , at the Salon des Artistes Indépendants of Paris , their artistic ideals , accept the name of Cubists which has been given to them .
12 saw do that Amy .
13 If he did eat any food he would either chew very slowly or just hold it in his mouth .
14 They looked like anatomies of death , they spake like ghosts crying out of their graves , they did eat dead carrions , happy where they could find them , yea , and one another soon after , insomuch as the very carcasses they spared not to scrape out of their graves , and if they found a plot of water cress or shamrocks , there they flocked as to a feast for the time , yet not able long to continue therewithal , that in short space there were none almost left , and a most populous and plentiful country suddenly left void of man or beast .
15 The sharpest clash occurred in the village of Bezdna in the eastern province of Kazan " , where a certain Anton Petrov began claiming that the statutes really did grant wholesale freedom .
16 Mind you , I did think last year the grant was down too low , at eight hundred thousand , but that was the amount they put in , it was two point eight , I think , to start with , and two million pounds offered in the end .
17 However , those employed full-time off the farm did experience some problems at lambing and hay making .
18 Erm it has become worse in a way that er we did , I did experience some sort of er , er racial intolerance er with the youth , but the middle-aged and the er m older people were very , very er tolerant I had to ask er when I could n't find my way , ask my way to certain places and er there was an that er the lady just walked by me er with me and she , she said I 'll have to walk with you you ca n't find it .
19 I did answer that question .
20 He was my room-mate in the days when your school was used as a sort of summer camp for magicians and he actually did disappear one day and we all thought he must have gone home .
21 One leading poverty campaigner says : ‘ With the previous reviews at least they did consult outside bodies .
22 Although most of Hudson 's tests were conducted on schoolboys , he did conduct some tests on schoolgirls , amongst whom he found a different pattern :
23 There was no feeling , as there was among Catholics , that priests were indispensable : heads of families could and did conduct simplified forms of service in front of their domestic icons .
24 Plants were the only source of help for health improvement for hundreds of years , and doctors were almost entirely reliant on them though some , notably Hippocrates , did stress that hygiene and diet were of major importance .
25 One question policyholders should ask is — if the company did underperform last year , has this limited its options ?
26 " In the end , however , I have come to the conclusion that the learned county court judge adopted the right approach and did treat this question as one of degree and fact .
27 My form did dip last season and the criticism did begin to affect me , but I thought ‘ Sod it .
28 What name have you given to the Water Hen which migrates to us yearly — or which did migrate last year and the year before .
29 If we did evolve one species into another , why are there no half-fish or half-humans today ?
30 ‘ Just a few people did make that mistake .
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