Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The government has already invested large sums of money in engineering crops that resist insect pests and the climatic extremes expected to come with global warming
2 In a Andean Declaration on the initiative , the participants agreed to work with other Latin American countries and the USA in order to formulate the necessary mechanisms to bring it into existence .
3 This was the third Cabinet change since September [ see pp. 37702-03 ] and was thought to reflect growing tensions within the government as it tried to cope with military setbacks in the current civil war , an economic crisis and mounting social unrest , especially in the capital Mogadishu [ see pp. 37767-68 ] .
4 Irrigation ditches like thin strips of sky ran away through the flat fields where figures bent to work with short hoes .
5 Mosley now tried to collaborate with other anti-war forces , but to little avail although this activity was to prove disastrous for the BUF in 1940 .
6 AA protein was identified by positive staining with anti-AA antibody and sensitivity to KMnO 4 reaction , while AL protein failed to stain with anti-AA , anti-Β 2 -microglobulin , and anti-prealbumin antibodies , and was resistant to KMnO 4 reaction .
7 At times the self image presented by these women in their paintings seemed to dovetail with Surrealist expectations .
8 In the later Middle Ages canonists and theologians came to see with increasing clarity some of the objections to this view ; and throughout the Middle Ages Christian money-lenders had their ways of evading it .
9 She had , it appeared , been out on the knocker , ‘ like all of you , ladies and gentlemen ’ , an activity which seemed to meet with universal approval .
10 The afternoon and evening seemed to pass with agonizing slowness , yet , when the time came for Maurice 's departure , it felt to Charlotte as if it had crept up and taken them by surprise .
11 For a final moment the inflamed bruise on his left calf where the scorpion had stung him a week before seemed to blaze with new agonizing fire .
12 He fell , and the Manchu 's final stroke seemed to descend with unstoppable fury .
13 " I learnt to live with other people when I was in the Services , but when you 've paid for your own room and it is n't your domain you feel insecure .
14 He looked like one of the carefree devils he had carved , with his fat , cheery face , snub nose and large blue eyes which seemed to dance with wicked merriment .
15 Section 5 , enacted to deal with Fascist marches in the East End of London , had become unsatisfactory for several reasons .
16 Robert Oakley , a former US ambassador to Somalia appointed to negotiate with Somali factions , relief organizations and UN representatives , had reportedly warned the main Somali leaders in Mogadishu-Gen .
17 This was a cost-effective method , but failed to deal with non-clustered accidents scattered throughout residential streets , with locations that changed from year to year .
18 In Better Schools ( 1985 ) the government singled out ‘ peace studies ’ for criticism , saying that it had no place on the school curriculum because it failed to deal with certain issues in a balanced and objective manner .
19 But what has the arbitrariness of the decoupage got to do with human fallibility ?
20 At this point it would be fair to ask : what has all the work on the avoidance of shock and poisons got to do with social behaviour ?
21 Shells now began to fall with increasing regularity among closely packed men .
22 He began to shake with suppressed laughter .
23 She stopped as he began to shake with suppressed laughter , then added indignantly , ‘ I 'm serious , Robert .
24 She jerked a mouthful from between the spars and began to chew with quiet satisfaction .
25 At this point the market began to bulge with new and lower priced devices such as the ImageMaker with its idiosyncratic optical font wheel , the Montage FR1 and the promised but rarely seen Mirus — a company in which Apple holds a 20% stake .
26 Fifteen minutes on , the screen began to vibrate with full frontal , graphic scenes of the passionate coupling of Lena Olins and Ron Silver .
27 The six women — all nuns — cried out ‘ Independence for Tibet ’ and began to walk with short but determined steps around the clockwise circuit of the Barkhor temple .
28 But , taking its cue from the Flowers Report , the industry began to look with renewed vigour for somewhere to get rid of its most troublesome detritus .
29 Christmas was approaching and the shop windows began to fill with seasonal tableaux .
30 The walls of the cavern where Margaret was sitting began to ooze with digestive juices , pungent with the smell of sulphur , and the quicklime of the morgue .
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