Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Film producer Liam Brennan , who may face extradition to the US on deception charges , admitted using a worthless cheque .
2 One of the first attempts to treat the effluent involved building a small lagoon , the idea for which Dai discovered in a book .
3 It will be collected using tape-recorders , transcribed and analysed using a sequential and comparative method .
4 Also of interest is computer use during consultations , where patient notes are made available and up-dated using a desk-top terminal .
5 When would-be television stars realised that just to get through the first round involved completing a detailed questionnaire their enthusiasm waned somewhat .
6 Thus the proportion of records stored as synonyms will be roughly equivalent to half the packing density in a file created using a single-pass load , and with single record buckets .
7 ( There are spiders too : an engineer , inspecting the Lake as it was filling , reported seeing a half-drowned tree covered with what appeared to be black foliage : he paddled alongside , then shot away as fast as his blades could carry him .
8 The RSPCA was called to the farm after someone reported seeing a lame horse .
9 About twenty years ago , after dusk , a weighbridge office employee reported seeing a tramp-like figure walk into the weighbridge office , look around , and then walk through the back wall of the office .
10 Emergency services , fell search and rescue teams and RAF and Royal Navy helicopters were called in after a driver reported seeing a light aircraft flying just feet above his vehicle in the area between Consett and the Derwent Reservoir .
11 Hugh 's plan involved purchasing a heavy duty shredder , a baling press , a fork lift truck and a purpose built Ford lorry — total outlay £61,500 .
12 Mr Baker also proposed establishing a permanent Nato arms control verification staff to monitor compliance with arms reduction and confidence building measures .
13 With an equaliser the priority , the Scots were caught embarrassingly exposed at the back by Ferreri 's sweeping ball and Cantona found scoring a joyous simplicity .
14 Until then , police practice involved turning a blind eye to minor breaches of public decency rather than embarking on lengthy prosecutions .
15 After an appeal from the Constitutional Court that President and legislature settle their differences , Yeltsin and Khasbulatov reached a compromise which involved holding a constitutional referendum on April 11 , 1993 , and freezing all constitutional amendments adopted at the Congress .
16 Thus a particularly bizarre practice , for which with typical resourcefulness Tylor coined the name teknonymy , involved calling a married person not by his own name but by that of his children .
17 Of course , all theatrical activities came to an abrupt halt ; but Guthrie was not prepared to accept what seemed like being the total demise of Sadler 's Wells Opera , and proposed sending a small touring group of the company round the provinces and he offered me a small contract .
18 At last there was a knock on the door and a young man entered wearing a battered leather jacket and torn breeches .
19 The juniors were very earnest and keen cricketers and I always found umpiring a ticklish business as I do not know the rules .
20 The plan , which involved charging a flat-rate tax per kilo , represented an attempt to reduce the amount of waste dumped in landfill sites .
21 Of the eight other women not admitted only two cases ( 25 per cent ) involved consulting a male family member ( Fisher exact probability test : one tail 0.013 , two tail 0.015 ) .
22 The experiment , known as the Isotropic Lead Experiment , involved substituting a special isotope of lead mined at Broken Hill in New south Wales , Australia for the normal additive in all petrol sold in the area .
23 Thus someone who found learning a foreign language extremely difficult might struggle to pass grade 1 spoken French by the time he was 16 .
24 Schafer ( 1967 ) reported finding a significant asymmetry in the electrical activity of the brain immediately prior to speech production .
25 Gummer having been summarily dismissed , a lugubrious George Gardiner tapped on the door and entered carrying a large parcel , marked ‘ urgent ’ , upon which Lady Thatcher fell with cries of pleasure .
26 As I slipped Martina 's book between the folds of my best suit , Felix knocked and entered bearing a white package the size of a small coffin , flamboyantly fastened with a blood-pink bow .
27 ‘ I stopped mourning a long time ago . ’
28 The original method of producing acrylic sheet , which involved casting a thickened and part-polymerized methyl methacrylate syrup in plate glass cells and completing polymerization by heating in an oven , was devised in the 1930s .
29 It involved thrusting a lighted taper into little glass jars and applying them in great haste to Jean-Claude 's back , which would bubble up under them in balloons of skin .
30 The three proposed drafting a new constitution for those republics which wished to stay in Yugoslavia as a " conferation of equal republics and peoples " and the signing of a " historic agreement " between the Serbian and Moslem communities in Bosnia .
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