Example sentences of "[vb past] [det] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We found fewer than a fifth of bank and building society branches publicised the code with posters or leaflets , and staff knew little or nothing about it .
2 They were convinced that equal allowances , financed out of general taxation so that the rich contributed more than the poor , should be given in all income groups because the responsibility of motherhood and the value of the child were the same whatever the status of the parents .
3 It was easy enough to demand racial equality , fair distribution of the wealth of the world , or equal rights for women : none of those would happen tomorrow , and none of them involved more than the most superficial cosmetic surgery to make yourself credible .
4 Even so , in his mid-sixties and preparing to retire , he created more than a literary stir with the publication of a series of poems in vers libre on contemporary themes ( Fascism , war , pacifism ) which , in 1944 , were published in a volume entitled Y Dwymyn ( The Fever ) ( 2nd edn. 1972 ) .
5 A baby girl who was born sixteen weeks premature and weighed less than a bag of sugar has celebrated her first birthday .
6 Lear drew more than the short straw on the Birds of Europe .
7 It cost less than a fiver a head — and there was n't a plate broken all night !
8 Actually , I might just have had a little to do with his death , as it occurred less than a year after the Stoves lost their only child , Esmerelda .
9 Comparing trends in cuts of meat for 1985 to 1990 with the changes in the five years before , the price of expensive beef cuts rose more than the cheaper cuts , reversing the trend of the early 1980s .
10 But nobody wants the culprits caught more than the victim .
11 As he shaved his reflection seemed to be the face of a low criminal — or like one of Bodo 's associates — and when he went into the sitting-room his wife bore more than a passing resemblance to an exceptionally severe judge about to condemn that criminal to hard labour for life .
12 I do n't think Father played more than a couple of games of golf thereafter and he spent the next twenty years in pursuit of trout , salmon and sea-trout ; never happier than when he was waist-deep , regardless of time of year or weather .
13 Although rental accommodation comprised more than a third of Pittsburgh 's housing only 5 per cent of URA housing expenditure was expressly devoted to this sector .
14 The Woman seemed less than a ghost , just a shape lying .
15 But ‘ the Eddie ’ signified more than a mere sporting spectacular : it was a celebration of a way of life .
16 A recent survey of the plight of peasants by China 's Economic Daily showed that taxes and fees consumed less than a quarter of their average incomes , compared with the 35-40% Mrs Fu claims .
17 ‘ He ate more than the carpenter though , ’ said Tweedledee .
18 The German companies distinguished less than the British ones between careers and departments for production management and production engineering , work planning and work execution functions .
19 As Winston Churchill put it : ‘ The French suffered more than the defence need suffer by their valiant and obstinate retention of particular positions .
20 Having had only two weeks in which to complete the work , Mr Chettle burned more than the midnight oil to finish it in time .
21 A second round of voting , in constituencies which had not been able to complete their quota of candidates , was announced for May 8 ; in this round , the candidates with most votes would be declared elected , even if they received less than the 30 per cent required for election in the first round .
22 The strike came less than a week after Serbia 's repression of the Kosovar Albanians had been condemned by the minority leader in the United States Senate , Robert Dole , following his visit to Pristina at the head of a delegation of US Republican congressmen .
23 The new ban came less than a year after Saudi Arabia had lifted a ban imposed during the Gulf crisis on all Jordanian imports .
24 The knock on his studio door came less than an hour later .
25 I was wearing a shirt of green silk loose round the wrists and my green linen culottes — I had found they creased less than a skirt when sitting in a coach .
26 What has happened is a swings-and-roundabouts operation , whereby last year pensioners received more than the cost of living that they had incurred , whereas this year they will receive less .
27 Gerry Burton 's announcement in April last year that he would not be seeking re-election as Kidson Impey 's national senior partner caused more than a few raised eyebrows .
28 My open support of the Irish struggle , reading pro-Sinn Fein poems at school assembly when it was my turn to choose a reading two weeks after the Birmingham pub bombing caused more than a little outrage and several stern pep talks , culminating in threatened expulsion from the headmistress .
29 I get the impression that the disappearance last year of Sounds and Record Mirror caused more than a slight fluttering in the dovecote and that the paper has since tended to concentrate more on This Week 's Sensation and less on the diverting things going on on the fringe .
30 Afterwards , the New Zealand captain , speaking softly , confessed he was ‘ devastated ’ , while Gooch , not normally known for emotion , seemed more than a little chuffed .
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