Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was a bit cheaper living here in an older neighbourhood than in the heart of the city , so she had n't had to tap into what she 'd earned as companion to Anna Sabatini .
2 Ponchos , like the one he 'd used as protection on the roof , covered their khaki uniforms .
3 He was wearing the démodé pinstriped suit he 'd got from a junk-shop for a production of Arturo Ui ( ‘ grossly overplayed' — Glasgow Herald ) and the tie he 'd worn as Harry in Marching Song ( ‘ adequate if uninspiring' — Oxford Mail .
4 Sir Stephen Fox , who was Member of Parliament for Sarum and served as Lord Commissioner of the Treasury for both King Charles II and William 111 , from 1665 until his death in 1716 , bought the copyhold , in 1682 , or thereabouts , of an estate north-west of Corney House ( on the river front of Old Chiswick ) and behind the first Earl of Burlington 's mansion in Chiswick , and in 1691 he also acquired several acres on the west side of Chiswick Lane , where he sited a mansion with gardens , which he came known as Manor Farm House .
5 It would have been much more fun , do n't you think , if they 'd dressed as housewives .
6 The building became known as London 's Nonconformist Cathedral ; unlike the Tabernacle , the Temple was elaborately furnished with stained glass windows and a tower of 145 feet in the ‘ Italian style ’ .
7 The Romans called their settlement ‘ Londinium ’ which , in due course of time , became known as London .
8 The Edomites ' new territory became known as Idumaea .
9 He later became known as Magnus the Pious because of his unflinching devotion to the cult of Sigmar and to the ideals of nationhood which Sigmar still signified in the divided Empire .
10 The Danish invasion took place in A.D. 787 , and one Danish ruler , called Egbert , succeeded as King of Wessex , in A.D. 802 ; becoming overlord of Cornwall and Devonshire in 815 ; then King of Kent in 825 , and became known as King of the English , in 829 .
11 July 1749 , Hogarth acquired the Copyhold of a red brick villa , of the Queen Anne style , with a garden of about a quarter of an acre containing an old mulberry tree , not far from Chiswick House , and it became known as Hogarth House , and the lane by which it was approached became known as Hogarth Lane — now part of the Great West Road Extension ( A4 ) into central London .
12 July 1749 , Hogarth acquired the Copyhold of a red brick villa , of the Queen Anne style , with a garden of about a quarter of an acre containing an old mulberry tree , not far from Chiswick House , and it became known as Hogarth House , and the lane by which it was approached became known as Hogarth Lane — now part of the Great West Road Extension ( A4 ) into central London .
13 A Peasants ' Revolt — the workers of Kent and Essex — led by Walter the tiler ( who became known as Wat Tyler ) , occurred in 1381 , in which they refused to pay the Poll Tax , and they gathered together to sweep in revolt into London , Although only a lad , Richard II subdued the revolt .
14 This meant the first change of name for the young Michael Smith ; he became known as Ingram , and there was no love lost between him and his stepfather .
15 During the first part of the 20th century , because of its proximity to Nailsworth Station , it became known as Station Mill , although it was still referred to locally by its old name .
16 Once a year you would have been given a Sunday off to visit your own family ; this became known as Mothering Sunday .
17 When it opened on 1 September 1864 an extra junction was provided from the main line at Dalry to what became known as Coltbridge junction .
18 Many dinosaurs , those known as ‘ lizard-hipped ’ , hence became known as saurischians .
19 She became known as Meh'Lindi thereafter among her instructors .
20 The main national network , which became known as Idhaa ya Kiswahili ( ‘ The Swahili Service ’ ) , had as one of its main aims ‘ informing and educating public opinion ’ .
21 Later the site became known as Putloe Mill , its last use reputedly that of pin manufacture , possibly in connection with Fromebridge Mill .
22 Robert Garrard joined it in 1780 , followed by three sons : it became known as Garrard , the Crown jewellers .
23 For it was the people of the three original founding cantons , Uri , Schwyz and Unterwalden , who took the first steps to free themselves from external domination and start what was to become an independent confederation of communities , unified in a unique fashion , which in their early years were mostly called simply the Confederates but later became known as Schweizer after the name of one of the original component areas , Schwyz .
24 There was Florey 's original material , which became known as Penicillin-I or Penicillin-F ( for Florey ) ; Penicillin-II or Penicillin-G ( because G came after F ) from the Squibb Laboratories ; Penicillin-III or Penicillin-X from the laboratories at Peoria ; and Penicillin-IV or Penicillin-K from the Abbot Laboratories .
25 It needed an operating system , which , as no doubt everyone knows by now , was supplied by an enterprising small firm called Microsoft , and became known as MSDOS ( MicroSoft Disk Operating System ) .
26 Afterwards , the great glass house was dismantled and re-erected at Sydenham in south-east London , and there became known as Crystal Palace .
27 At the Dissolution of the Monasteries , Nostell Priory was granted to Dr Leigh and the fair held by the canons at their church at Woodkirk , otherwise known as West Ardsley , became known as Lee Gap Fair .
28 The Egyptian Hall became known as England 's ‘ Home of Mystery ’ , and was as essential for family outings as the Tower of London or London Zoo .
29 There was the redoubtable Mary O'Keefe — daughter of the famous sea-captain who became known as King O'Keefe of the South Seas .
30 The sidings , which became known as Thornton Gate , opened with the arrival of the first coal train on September 23 1927 .
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