Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] it a " in BNC.

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1 She said she 'd given it a lot of thought and decided she 'd just got carried away because it was all such fun .
2 He 'd applied to join the police in his final year at university ; it had been an unfashionable thing to do but he 'd given it a lot of careful thought .
3 I was beginning to think you 'd given it a miss . ’
4 I thought I thought we 'd given it a really good airing this
5 And I think even while we 'd been in Opposition , remember no one knew whether we were going to win or not , it surprised many people when we did , there had been some sort of discreet across-the-fence interest at the professional Civil Service level in some of the concepts that we were developing and I 'd made it a point of writing the occasional pamphlet as our thinking went along to send out smoke signals to everyone including the civil servants as to what we were about .
6 But he 'd left it a bit late for consideration for her welfare , she thought hazily .
7 Well if er , if they 'd left it a bit later
8 This was a great pose , she 'd practised it a lot with the mirror .
9 Gifford Tate had painted it a few weeks before she died .
10 By the time I had heard it a fifth time , one of football 's most respected managers stood accused of everything from gross indecency to impotence .
11 But the experience had been short and isolated and the moonlight had given it a sufficient touch of unreality for me to be able to fire my machine gun at everything I saw without scruple .
12 Turned out that some well-meaning wally had given it a tankful of unleaded two-star .
13 The reporter said soothingly that their reviewer , Professor Shrimp , had given it a lotta praise , and the review would probably be in the arts section , next to the film shows , on Monday .
14 Although the staff had not appreciated it , the listings of London events were quite crucial , and had given It a stranglehold on the London market , which was to be broken .
15 Jack now discovered that the Motion Picture Association of America had given it an ‘ X ’ rating and Columbia — who were to release the Movie for general distribution — had a policy at that time that they would never release an X-rated picture .
16 In her memory it was too bleak , too desolate , and that had given it an added power .
17 When the rags came out the mass of frizz made Sally screech with horror but when Louise had teased it a little with her Mason Pearson brush and a long tail comb Sally saw that the usually severe schoolgirlish cut had been transformed into a mop of pretty curls .
18 It had been Great-Aunt Alicia who had considered it a marvellous and exciting opportunity and persuaded her to accept it .
19 Even as a wee boy I had considered it an unfair exchange .
20 She knew what Papa would say because he had said it a few years ago when she had begun to reproach him and all men for their oppression of women .
21 He had said it a hundred times over the past blissful hour together , and each time the sound of it had been even sweeter .
22 Returning Edward the proofs of his book , Helen commented : ‘ This has indeed been a fair spring for us , though they had made it a winter .
23 But their choices remained either in the storeroom or in the window because her father had made it a rule that the window was n't to be cleared until the day before Christmas Eve .
24 He reminded the Treasury that in 1856 he had made it a policy that all public buildings in London should be open to competition and not given as a matter of course to one of his officers , and if their Lordships did not want to hold another competition , they could well appoint the winner of the Foreign Office design , as the judges had selected the prize-winning schemes ‘ not only in regard to their external appearance , but more especially on account of the excellence of their internal arrangements ’ .
25 Ever since the aborted rebel Wallaby tour to South Africa in 1987 , French had made it a personal goal to see the Springboks return to the international stage .
26 Patrick had made it a rule that he was never to be disturbed in the mornings , but that she might bring him urgent interruptions in the afternoon .
27 The world shortage and price rises had made it a rare delicacy for ordinary citizens , but David Laing liked to sip and swig constantly .
28 But there was nothing to be done ; Goibniu had made it a request that Floy and Snodgrass travel to the Fire Court leaving Fenella alone .
29 Although he had made it a condition of his NBC appearance that his whereabouts not be disclosed , Neal Miller called next day to say that he had taken over as his handler and to reprimand him for doing the broadcast without permission .
30 She had made it a habit never to leave medicines lying about since the time she found Emma sucking a Panadol , thinking it was a mint , but thankfully then having the sense to spit it out when she found it was n't .
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