Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [pn reflx] on " in BNC.

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1 His car was still outside ; it was the open-top Volkswagen Beetle he 'd bought himself on that first day straight from the showroom window .
2 From observing Star Eye , he thought she 'd modelled herself on Cabochon : she even sat like him and had started scraping her hair back into a ponytail , even though it was n't really long enough yet .
3 She 'd found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of teasing about her impromptu topless dip in the sea and her valiant rescuer , and she 'd fenced it as calmly as she could .
4 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
5 It was assumed that parishes , very largely the agricultural villages of the southern and eastern cereal regions , who were using Speenhamland-like systems of poor relief , had placed themselves on a vicious spiral of soaring poor rates and were progressively increasing the very poverty they sought to relieve .
6 and Schiemann J. , and in the latter by Hoffmann J. The W. H. Smith case took the form of an appeal to the Divisional Court from the Crown Court , by way of case stated , against the conviction of the two defendant stores for Sunday trading ; the Torfaen decision was published after the hearing before the Crown Court and before the hearing before the Divisional Court and , it being plain that the Crown Court had misdirected itself on the effect of article 30 , the Divisional Court quashed the convictions .
7 He had discharged himself on May 30 , borrowed some money from a friend and headed off to East Anglia .
8 They had left their cabins early to enjoy the fresh morning breeze , and Joseph had perched himself on a coil of rope beside Chuck at the rail to finish his reading .
9 Wycliffe had perched himself on a stool between Hilda , who was seated at her desk , and Ralph , who sat on a seat like a chapel pew .
10 When Maggie had perched herself on one she said , Does this mean I 'm being interviewed ? ’
11 Some passages stood out in his mind with almost photographic clarity , presumably because they had impressed themselves on his mind earlier .
12 In addition the strategic significance of the railways had impressed itself on the Bolsheviks .
13 Or meant to have replied , but perhaps she had not , perhaps the knowledge of later years had imposed itself on that first memory .
14 But her wounds had begun to heal and yesterday she had felt herself on the verge of a promising beginning — an uphill struggle , perhaps , but a definite move towards new happiness .
15 When , once , he had thought himself on the brink of an alliance for which he yearned , he was suddenly and shatteringly rejected .
16 Sarge — his real name was Paul Sargeant — was an Australian who had modelled himself on John Belushi and disapproved of good language ( he once took me to task for using the word ‘ carouse ’ ) .
17 The little deer was seen staggering in a distressed and bloated condition , captured with difficulty and taken to a vet who pumped fermented corn from the stomach — presumably the fawn had gorged herself on pheasant feed .
18 Then Joseph and another boy , outrunning the others , had flung themselves on top of the flapping bird and held her down , while the remaining young hunters had torn down bush creepers for rope .
19 It was as we started our second run and we were at the lights at the corner of Portman Square , that I saw the cops had concentrated themselves on the traffic island in Baker Street .
20 I had not doubt that this Ichaelan free-lance , probably some spindly droop with acne and myopia , had found himself on a world where nothing but good old genetics had spawned a race of tall , handsome , muscular people .
21 She had introduced herself on the doorstep , often been invited in and asked the tenants to let her know if they had any problems with which she could help .
22 The popular explanation of his condition was that his mother , in late pregnancy , had been knocked over by a runaway circus elephant , and the shock had imprinted itself on the unborn child .
23 Her pink flying suit had two dirty orbs where her backside had imprinted itself on the ground and I noticed for the first time that her trainers were at least size 9 ( men 's ) .
24 Francisco worked in Admin , but occasionally he doubled as a barman , and he did n't have to explain that he had cut himself on a broken glass .
25 From the age of 22 she had cut herself on many occasions .
26 The three Miss Lovelocks had seated themselves on the window-seat , their silvery heads nodding and trembling , and their glasses , as Ella was not unsurprised to see , quite empty .
27 Conscious that the fat woman had seated herself on a stack of biscuit tins and was listening avidly , Joe said ‘ Er , I want to take some groceries to an old lady .
28 About the Holocaust , Ludens had prided himself on keeping , as a historian , a cool head .
29 Britain 's social engineers had prided themselves on the ability to plan as they had done during the war .
30 All had prided themselves on training and nurturing their own people , and all boasted many employees who had notched up decades of faithful service .
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