Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd intended to make a sharp retort , but even to her own ears her voice sounded tremulous , full of longing that had n't been satisfied .
2 In all the time that he 'd been living out on the Step Pete had seen only one stranger go by , and that was a hiker who 'd stopped to ask the way because he 'd been lost .
3 She was walking home from a party in the early hours of Sunday morning she 'd stopped to use the toilets in St Giles when she was attacked …
4 She seemed resolved to sign the document .
5 And he did not say that , even if they 'd wished to finish the play with his understudy , they could n't , because Alex Household had run out of the theatre immediately after the shooting .
6 The small factory she 'd approached to undertake the making of the curtains , cushions and loose covers told her they 'd be ready to start in a few weeks ' time , and even allowing for this wildly optimistic schedule , she felt she ought to know when to expect delivery of the fabrics .
7 Since he continued at the same time to deny any intention to stand , the letter seemed designed to test the ground while adding to the ferment in the parliamentary party — especially among those MPs sitting in vulnerable , marginal seats .
8 Every room was supervised by hideous paintings of humourless De Belvings and all the furniture seemed designed to inflict an ache upon the muscles of the human body .
9 It looked good to the eye , it felt firm underfoot , the Land Rover had no problems , but the wheelbarrow seemed designed to plough a furrow .
10 A rather tasteless melange of Wellington and Edith Cresson , Nelson and Trafalgar seemed designed to provide the missing edge and allay the self doubts .
11 The ceremony seemed designed to express the triumph of the united Angevin family over the old enemy of Toulouse .
12 I 'd expected to find a vacuous mess .
13 There were occasions , also , when the assistant on duty would forget the time , and suddenly realise it was two minutes to the hour and she 'd forgotten to do the observation .
14 Er , and I 'd forgotten to take the money up before Christmas so it was still here yesterday .
15 The horrible truth was slowly dawning on me : I 'd been so preoccupied with finding things like Wellington boots and torches , not to mention boning up on my Enid Blyton , that I 'd forgotten to read the small print .
16 Tonight , with Marlin working until nine and a late dinner planned , she 'd decided to spend the early evening assigning and wrapping the presents she 'd accumulated on her various Fifth Avenue sorties , sweetening her labours with wine and music .
17 After they 'd decided to restore a 200-year-old country cottage on the outskirts of Stroud , Gloucester , housewife Amanda Rawson and her husband scouted around auction rooms looking for furniture to suit it .
18 I 'd decided to leave the ‘ coo' de grass until the morning when I would feel more up to it .
19 Once we 'd decided to have a baby we had had to find a Father .
20 We 'd decided to have a ploughman 's lunch or some such at a likely-looking pub we 'd seen in the next village .
21 I knew that she 'd decided to have the child adopted , but then I was n't involved .
22 After an evening of agonising and , now , almost unbearable waiting , she 'd decided to ring the police .
23 He was delighted with all we 'd done to make the house habitable in under a week and greatly enjoyed partying with friends .
24 He 'd applied to join the police in his final year at university ; it had been an unfashionable thing to do but he 'd given it a lot of careful thought .
25 There is no treatment available for the condition in China and Sheng seemed destined to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair .
26 We seemed destined to replay the same parts in an old story .
27 They then seemed destined to suffer the same fate as Jack Handy 's firm : a sharp decline due to financial extravagance and a lack of closely controlled management .
28 Described by Nixon as " a third-rate burglary " , this incident seemed destined to become a mere footnote in history .
29 They seemed destined to study every single house exhaustively .
30 While all her instincts balked against becoming too enmeshed with Vitor , she seemed destined to fight a losing battle .
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