Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd decided at first that her brother deserved what was coming to him , but on reflection no one deserved to be thrown at Guido 's mercy .
2 Meh'Lindi seemed sated at last .
3 Mallachy had not liked the crack about actors , because it was a line that Rory had been peddling quite strongly recently , a rod he 'd found at last with which to beat his friend .
4 But Paul Ince who was the driving force of this victory , which lifted United into third place , warned the Frenchman : ‘ He did some lovely things and he can do the flicks all day if we are winning , but if were losing he 's got to get his foot stuck in .
5 He has had to gamble on selling before he can buy , that 's why he got rid of first Ray Houghton and then Dean Saunders .
6 Ray Floyd failed to join them recently when he finished tied for 8th in the Bank One Classic .
7 On a much more optimistic note , the European Open marked a change in fortunes for Sandy Lyle — he finished tied for 8th place on 284 — and also saw Russell Claydon in fine form on his professional debut in the British Isles .
8 Mr Darman felt burnt by last year 's clean-air act .
9 Although his manner appeared reserved on first meeting , he could be a genial , friendly , and charming companion .
10 The clouds had parted at last , and the western sky was flooded with shining gold .
11 Mrs Bottomley said that in her South-West Surrey constituency she had heard at first hand many stories of personal anguish , crisis and despair in the last hard year .
12 Waving a fist at the camera , Cameron Nielson recited the names of those blacklist casualties he had avenged at last .
13 One of the leading dissidents reflected the wider view , when Winston Churchill thanked Mr Heseltine for the ‘ considerable distance ’ he had travelled since last year .
14 The water cooled too quickly for her to stay long in the bath , but afterwards she lay fully dressed on the bed for a while , listening , her spirits rising as she realised that the wind had dropped at last .
15 Mattan , who had taken over the yellow jersey from Lillywhite in Leicester on Saturday , started yesterday 33 seconds ahead of Lillywhite but had dropped to fourth place overall by the end of the day .
16 Peirson had resigned on 1st February 1651 , and there were two candidates for the post , William Duncan and Thomas Coombes .
17 Even the child in Molly 's arms smiled sleepily when her sisters told her that the water had come at last .
18 The time had come at last for Confucius to bow to the sages of the modern world !
19 The birds gave voice so vigorously that relief that the sun had come at last might almost be detected in their song — the warm , exhilarating sun .
20 The competition was to take place in August and , although she was for ever panicking about what they still could n't do , she tended to overlook how far they had come from first beginnings .
21 On 20 May 5 Corps had reported to Eighth Army on the meeting which had taken place the previous evening between Brig Low and Col Ivanovitch .
22 It was the first time the bishops had met following last November 's historic vote by the Church of England 's General Synod in favour of women 's ordination as priests .
23 True , he had struggled at first to satisfy his beautiful young bride ; he had been too long a bachelor and too set in his ways .
24 The girl had struggled at first , but Bernice had reassured her : They 'll bring me to you in just a minute , she 'd said .
25 " My sons told me you lost your wife in a swimming accident four years ago , Monsieur Devraux , " she had said at last , speaking quietly in French .
26 ‘ I thought that they were extinct , ’ Zach had said on first seeing her riding it .
27 " Confound it , Lovat , " she had said upon first setting eyes on Topaz .
28 This was immediately confirmed by a sound similar to that which my own shoulders had made on first entering the narrow space .
29 Many had to borrow money , a need that had grown since last year 's replacement of social security single grants for urgent needs or repairs by social fund loans .
30 The Frenchman 's dark aquiline features and unsmiling silences made him think of history-book pictures he 'd seen of the warrior heroes of ancient Greece and Rome , and the dismay he had felt at first when their car had struck the Annamese villager had increased his sense of awe .
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