Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A bit o' glass 'ad caught him on the fore'ead , but otherwise we 'ad n't a scratch to show for it between us .
2 She 'd heard him at the glass door — a double knock , very light .
3 ‘ I 'd heard him for a bit by then .
4 He said he 'd heard it on the radio this mornin' .
5 Prison does that to some men , though , he 'd heard it on a documentary .
6 His daughter Diane Perry said she was rung by her husband from work after he 'd heard it on the radio .
7 If you 'd shuffled him into , say , motoring , no one would have cared .
8 She 'd given them as a wedding present , she said , and never seen them used .
9 But once I 'd given them to him I never saw them again so I imagine he must have burnt them .
10 He 'd picked up some cream that they 'd given me for a skin rash , stuck it under my blindfold and said , in a curious high-pitched waver , ‘ Champignons ? ’
11 ‘ Liz lost a winning I 'd given her on a horse .
12 ‘ You might cook him a wonderful pie and then you 'd find he 'd given it to a drunken beggar , and no matter how kind you thought him after a while you 'd want to kill him .
13 ‘ I thought I 'd given it to you , ’ John says .
14 ‘ I thought I 'd given it to you , ’ Paul says .
15 Dimly doing her best to remember what they 'd taught her at school , Diane believed that she 'd managed to work out the map reference by the time that Ross Aldridge arrived at the Hall .
16 ‘ When I told Martin that I was 10 weeks ' pregnant with my second child , he enjoyed telling people how clever I was because I 'd arranged it between the interims and the final results ! ’
17 The conversation was n't going the way he 'd intended it to .
18 At least , he 'd hated her after that single flare of interest as she 'd climbed out of Peter 's hired jeep , but it had died instantly when , striding boyishly round the front of the vehicle , Peter had gone straight up to his elder brother and announced , ‘ Meet my amazing fiancée , big brother ! ’
19 He 'd fell you with an enchantment in an instant .
20 He was obviously peeved that we 'd squared it with the music teacher while he did n't know anything about it .
21 I told them I 'd squared it with you .
22 Then I 'd wondered if some women who 'd stopped me on the path had taken it .
23 He 'd thrown rocks at windows of offices and works they 'd sacked him from , he 'd defaced buildings , scratched officials ' cars and mutilated bonnet mascots ( though that was largely for his own safety ) and he 'd made bomb-hoax telephone calls .
24 They would all be returning to town in the autumn to meet some sons of good families in Riba ; she 'd been saving for years , money from the pigeons , money from the cheeses , the almonds , her mother 's money when she died — may she rest in peace and perpetual light shine on her — she 'd hidden it from that villainous landlord who 'd strip everyone of their surplus if he knew how much they 'd hoarded , but they 'd never find out , the folk were far too tight to let anyone know , and he , Davide , must not breathe a word .
25 The sight of the handbag she 'd caught up as he 'd carried her from her flat and which he had tossed on to the bed gave her the glimmering of an idea .
26 Yvonne Paul whose The Glamour Game ( W H Allen , £2.95 ) tells all about the Glamour Biz sent me in the blouse off her back , drenched in exotic perfume , as a ‘ thank-you ’ after I 'd interviewed her for the Daily Mail and mentioned how much I liked her get-up .
27 A year in Milan , Italy 's great fashion centre , had sounded close to perfect — at least , that was how the woman who 'd interviewed her at International Models had made it sound .
28 There was no answer to that , so I sighed heavily , and said , " Oh , all right , " as if he 'd bullied me into it .
29 But I 'd eluded them before and I could again , I told myself , almost jauntily , as I ambled into the bar that I decided to make my last stop for the night .
30 Even knowing she looked ridiculous , she 'd enjoyed it after that first entrance , had loved being on a stage again , singing with the company .
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