Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We know that if we started to challenge everything we should end up like the centipede that became paralysed through analysis of the movement of its many legs .
2 Then one voice grew louder , piercing into his brain as his body became paralysed with shock and disbelief .
3 Like the other Pyrenean divisions , Béarn is medieval ; this was once the largest of the furiously independent mountain states , a viscounty which came into existence as early as 820 , was at different moments of its history the vassal of Aragon and England , became joined by marriage with the powerful viscounty of Foix and with Basse-Navarre , and finally , when Henri IV , ‘ le grand Béarnais ’ , became king of the whole of France in 1589 , was integrated with the Crown .
4 That was how I got remanded in custody when I was only fifteen .
5 I enjoyed the lessons a great deal , and became fascinated by Greek .
6 In Czechoslovakia , farmers face ruin after two years of drought , whilst in south-eastern Spain , people are compelled to buy bottled water after their depleted subterranean supply became contaminated with salt .
7 Erm on the on the twenty third or thereabouts on the twenty third of March of this year I myself got stopped for drink driving .
8 We got treated like shit , so we treated the teachers like shit . ’
9 What her reception would be she feared to imagine , and as she drew near to the Mohaka River bridge she became filled with apprehension because , now that she came to think of it , she realised she was poking her nose into something that did not even remotely concern her .
10 The future became filled with doubt .
11 The cave was formed some time during the early part of the Pleistocene , over one million years ago , and it became filled with sediment during the middle Pleistocene approximately 350 to 400 thousand years ago .
12 But my heart became filled with fear when I saw no prisoners .
13 Following the Industrial Revolution , many trees became blackened by smoke and on these the speckled moths were suddenly highly conspicuous .
14 I hate to think what Major Maxim got taught in school — or would it have been the Army ? ’
15 It seemed that the detailed pattern of the embryo was laid down in the egg and became partitioned during cleavage , thus supporting Weissman 's claim .
16 The symptoms she endured varied from month to month , worsening or improving according to the circumstances of her life at the time .
17 After independence in the 1820s , an expanding plantation economy removed the forest and became dominated by coffee and bananas , with a dangerous reliance on a few exports .
18 Benefits realised varied from site to site , but ranged from a doubling of throughput per week at a cost more than halved , through to a headcount reduction of one third .
19 The government 's discomfiture during the Crimean War had aroused great expectations of major change even before Alexander became committed to Emancipation .
20 Prejudice , such as that exploited by Tupper in Cardiff in 1911 , became mixed with self concern — the belief that Asiatic crews would work for lower wages and in worse conditions than British , and so undercut the union 's effort to improve both in the British seaman 's interests .
21 Another time the carburettor became clogged with sand , and a third time she simply ran out of fuel .
22 More than a dozen vehicles became stranded on the hard shoulder — unable to move because their underside became clogged with tar and chippings .
23 There , Emerson made a superb start but got caught in traffic at the first left-hander .
24 When the bus got caught in traffic they dashed off it and ran through a nearby Russell and Bromley shoe store .
25 They said their last guy got slung in jail last night . ’
26 Erm , I got interviewed on radio once , on , on television once with a friend and they asked , they asked us what we did , and this friend of mine said we were radio mime artists .
27 I think he went to visit my mother and got incarcerated by accident .
28 Occultism and oriental mysticism became fused with astrology , magic , cabbalistic elements from Jewish tradition , a pessimistic reading of Plato 's doctrine that man 's true home does not lie in this bodily realm , above all the catalyst of the Christian understanding of redemption in Christ .
29 Because of this he often failed to bring about cures and eventually became disillusioned with hypnosis as a form of therapy .
30 Many clients became disillusioned with search in the 1970s , receiving some indifferent service and assuming that all headhunters were the same ; this view is rapidly disappearing in the 1980s , although many search practices current during the Big Bang gave search a bad name , such as wholesale movement of trading and broking teams , for instance .
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