Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] and for " in BNC.

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1 The former met rarely and for purely formal purposes .
2 The figures for black youngsters excluded indefinitely and for a fixed period were also above average .
3 His eyes narrowed dangerously and for a split-second Polly held her breath .
4 Francis Bacon who put money into an unsuccessful company to colonize Newfoundland wrote in his essay On Plantations ( the word used then and for most of the seventeenth century for what would later be called colonies ) ‘ You must make account to lose almost twenty years profit , and expect your recompense in the end . ’
5 And what more radical initiative in education could be mounted than one which decisively disturbed the traditional partnership between central and local government in the management of education and which exploded once and for all the myth of ‘ the secret garden of the curriculum ’ ?
6 From a functionalist perspective the Committee 's value was , first , as a pressure-release valve and , secondly , that it ‘ disposed once and for all of this conspiratorial theory of executive power ’ .
7 Her anger and resentment grew as she drove home and for the rest of that evening she found it difficult to get David Markham out of her mind .
8 Distinctions were soon lost , and after a spell of being known as Alba the country became once and for all Scotland , though some of its boundaries were still in a state of flux .
9 Until the middle of the sixteenth century there was considerable hope , held by the Emperor Charles V among others , that the breach between Catholic and Protestant might yet be closed ; the abortive visit of the Protestant envoys to the Council of Trent in 1551 showed once and for all that that hope was delusive .
10 THE ALBUM that launched a thousand NME headlines and , more pertinently , confirmed once and for all that rap was no passing fad and was , in fact , nothing less than an art form .
11 To elude Khomeinis avenging angels , Behbehanian went underground and for the next few years lived incognito at the homes of various friend , particularly in Switzerland .
12 With any luck they will meet and get this sorted once and for all .
13 Christine looked across and for the first time a defensive flabbiness crawled across her face .
14 Again like Syracuse ( which co-existed with Carthage ) , Cyrene co-existed happily and for decades with a great non-Greek power , Persia .
15 He smiled reassuringly and for a moment his expression softened .
16 The Left , as we have seen , believed that the October revolution had once and for all buried the national issue .
17 They said that Hamish Deans had unilaterally and for no good reason prevented the signing of the former Celtic striker Andy Walker , now with Bolton , after the player had agreed terms with Falkirk .
18 The tour wound onwards and for the performers bored or not , the excitement intensified nightly .
19 When the " Geddes Axe " fell in February 1922 , it proposed cuts in the social services which alienated once and for all the Prime Minister 's last admirers on the left ; moderate Unionists like Stanley Baldwin disliked the Geddes Axe as being too arbitrary and too indiscriminate , but the rest of the party criticized it as too little , too late , and unlikely to be implemented anyway .
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