Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Over in Ireland , BOB DYLAN got his collar felt last week when a hotel security guard accosted him as he crept stealthily down a little-used fire escape .
2 If there was one thing that got right up a nome 's nose , it was someone saying , ‘ Here is a really sensible idea .
3 As Everton regrouped bad-temperedly , Crystal Palace attacked swiftly down the left , Rodger pulled the ball back from the byline and Coleman sidefooted into an empty net .
4 Roirbak bundled Tammuz into the elevator and they rode halfway up the building in silence until Tammuz said : ‘ I ca n't believe this ! ’
5 Charles wandered slowly up the village street in search of his valise .
6 A few minutes after eight , as they watched , a black flag moved slowly up the post .
7 He peered uneasily down the dark tunnel at the end of the platform and remembered something else from their past : Mother Bernie and her holes in the universe , the holes that let the Evil in .
8 She moved stealthily down the hall to the kitchen , her hearing sharpened by fear as she strained to detect even the slightest movement in the old house .
9 FREEZING snow whipped our faces as we peered nervously down the slope .
10 He stopped halfway down the passage , whirling about to meet her .
11 He moved swiftly down the line of the wall , slowing as he neared its end .
12 It was not far enough , as there was still downward straggle , so we moved further up the ladder to cubes .
13 Anyway , we did n't have much luck in the hollow either , so we moved further up the field .
14 They paused a moment longer , then moved further down the gallery , inspecting each exhibit , checking any books which could be the hidden Grimoire .
15 Cram 's club-mate David Sharpe , looking for an 800 metres time inside 1 min 46.2 secs , moved further down the pecking order in the two-lap event after quick times by two of his rivals in Dijon : Wolverhampton 's Steve Heard , who was third in 1 mins 45.65 secs , and Haringey 's David Strang , fourth in 1:45.85 .
16 The mongrel tore savagely at the newspapers and the rat fled further down the alley , desperate for sanctuary .
17 Skillfully , Gerrard maneuvered the microphone away from her and moved quickly up the aisle to the back of the audience ; and the camera , pushed by a sweating man in a stained white shirt , followed him .
18 Nevertheless he moved quickly down the corridors — shabby , ill-lit alleyways which , even at this early hour , were busy — knowing that every minute brought closer the chance of Herrick being warned .
19 Don moved briskly up the 5a pitch and quickly reached the crux , where the corner was blocked by an impending slab .
20 Maxim touched George 's arm and they moved carefully down the slope and well upstream from the farm stepped into the stinging cold water .
21 Summoning all her reserves , she swam forcefully down the whole length of the pool , and back again , gradually realising that she felt fitter than she had done for ages .
22 She moved cautiously up the corroded metal steps on to the catwalk and knelt beside the German , the Beretta pressed into the nape of his neck .
23 Mait limped painfully down a connecting gallery , desperately clinging on to the enhancer , which was getting heavier with every passing moment .
24 We had spent a week at La Bérade — that little unspoilt mountain hamlet deep within the Dauphiné massif where Eric shipton stayed in 1925 for his first alpine season ; and though we 'd found the mountains bathed in light and little snow around as we drove slowly up the battered but stupendous road from St Christoph through Les Etages , his words about the view he had from the bus exactly mirrored our mood as we peered up through a windscreen at the hills :
25 They drove slowly down a narrow asphalt drive between the southern wall of the church and the railing bordering the canal , but still there was no sign of life .
26 Toy trucks moved between hangars ; a minute tractor drove slowly down the main runway .
27 He drove slowly down the wide Third Avenue .
28 In the C2 10km race the Trains were drawn in lane 1 and paddled right up the centre of the course towards the first turn , avoiding the jostling in the middle , reminiscent of Stephen 's lone paddle at Poznan .
29 An ice-cream girl sauntered slowly up the aisle with a loaded tray , up to her tits in choc-ices and orange drinks .
30 He drove leisurely up the country lane and ascended the hill , before bearing left along the escarpment .
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