Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 She picked up the bag , checked inside to see that everything was still there , and was about to confiscate the switchblade when she heard the sound of a police siren in the distance .
2 Johnny 's double standards , and his entrenched belief in the superiority of the male , had led her into an angry tirade of defence designed only to prove that she was exactly the cheap little tart that he so obviously thought her.Their relationship seemed to be increasingly an exercise in one-upmanship : my time 's better than yours ; so there !
3 However , disappointment set in when we ventured home to find that the packaging contained a guitar , a separate tremolo and guarantee which was to be mailed to the USA .
4 It is vitally important that canister filters are packed fairly loosely and maintained correctly to ensure that the correct amount of water reached the pump impeller .
5 All this was indeed ‘ daring ’ stuff and few moviegoers in that 1914–16 period could have failed to appreciate that the messages were coming at them thick and fast as the motion-picture industry tried hard to prove that it was a mature social agency .
6 In February or March , when spring was waiting to burst out but the trees were still leafless and the earth grey and cold , Sophia used sometimes to pretend that she was in Italy — not necessarily in a beautiful or famous part but perhaps in some obscure little town in the Alban Hills or a dusty coastal village between Naples and Sorrento .
7 The Allocations Office maintains a register of approved board lodgings and self-catering bedsits , all of which are inspected before inclusion in the register and visited subsequently to ensure that correct standards are being maintained .
8 The young paratrooper turned to look at me , his eyes alarmed , as if he expected somehow to see that his buddies had caught him in a moment of vulnerability .
9 If he was begging , he seemed hardly to expect that anyone would give him money for making such a noise .
10 Later during that same year , my father came home to say that a friend had a bike for sale .
11 Both the air force and the army , as well as those who actually served with Leslie , seemed now to presume that the aircraft had come down in the English Channel .
12 GRAHAM TAYLOR woke today to find that he still has at least one friend after the worst week of his life .
13 This put heart into me , because in all the years that followed I came increasingly to believe that the genuine radicals were neither the ‘ philosophical radicals ’ ( much as I admired J. S. Mill , and have even found good in Bentham ) nor the Fabian radicals , the socialists or social democrats , but the kind of conservative radicals of whom Cobbett was perhaps the earliest example .
14 However Hahnemann came increasingly to recognize that there were patients whose diseases continually seemed to relapse , or change their form , and such patients could be extremely difficult to treat .
15 One of these blows ( mentioned in the section on ‘ Reform ’ above ) was cruelly self-inflicted : positivistic criminological research , far from demonstrating the effectiveness of treatment measures , seemed instead to show that treatment did not work .
16 He failed always to understand that there was a large area of common ground in British public opinion on India which consisted in the belief that , with a few adjustments , British rule could be made , and remain , acceptable to Indians for ever , and that differences of opinion were to a considerable extent about how this was to be done .
17 In an age of imperial expansion and active missionary endeavour , it became harder to believe that everywhere the heathen were damned for their ignorance .
18 You may remember a few months before Christmas , I think , that the five District Councils in Oxford County joined together to say that they felt that Government housing policy was failing to deal with the growing housing crisis in Oxfordshire .
19 Suppose that I claimed yesterday to know that it would rain in the afternoon , on the normal grounds ( weather forecast , gathering clouds , etc. ) , but that it turns out that I was wrong .
20 The Sheikha 's mother telephoned often to ensure that we were comfortable .
21 I had met Chris and Nick at Bush House to be interviewed about the anniversary for the World Service ; it was important because of the possibility that John or his kidnappers might be listening and I was very nervous , even more so when I arrived late to discover that the interview was live .
22 She sought also to argue that he was in error in failing to decide that she had established a grave risk that they would be exposed to physical or psychological harm or otherwise placed in an intolerable situation if their return were to be ordered .
23 As for England , she heard enough to doubt that there would ever be another trip there for the Brownings , or at least for Mrs Browning .
24 The sun took its toll in August when I went to Britford Sheep Fair with my Uncle Arthur , a civil servant who used to have the whole month for holiday and returned home to learn that Ron Stanley , a schoolmate who lived in The Friary , had died from sunstroke .
25 After contacting the police , a heartbroken Dorothy returned home to find that someone had pushed the wallet , with the £400 inside , through her letter box .
26 The prime minister did not achieve all his objectives , and he returned home to find that the new tide of anti-American criticism was still rising .
27 Her eyes glanced sideways to ensure that nobody was listening .
28 Some needed only to know that we existed — that was enough for them to throw themselves wholeheartedly into the gay life .
29 In addition to working out equivalences between Advanced level , a one-year BTEC diploma and one-year CPVE , the manager needed also to remember that the upper reaches of qualification under the National Council for Vocational Qualifications ( NCVQ ) would require another exercise in establishing equivalence and balance .
30 The establishment worked hard to ensure that allegiance to the nation transcended allegiance to any other group or individual .
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