Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [vb pp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Well because it 's darkish in colour and I 'd rather promised myself that if I have anything new now it 'll be of a brighter colour .
2 She 'd suddenly found herself staring at his hands , which were clenched together behind his back .
3 She relived that moment when he 'd reached to click off the bedside light , and those cool blue rays had stolen silently into the room , highlighting the unfamiliar ecstasy she 'd somehow denied herself until now …
4 She was left feeling uncomfortably in the wrong , as if by trying to deny her femininity she 'd somehow denigrated herself .
5 And I read that book and erm Marie , erm said said that they 've got new ones so that so that , excuse me , she 'd been talking about I 'd just made myself a pie I could n't eat any of it !
6 I 've often speculated since on what would have happened if we 'd just given ourselves up at this point .
7 So the other night my , the girl next door to us , her husband does painting and he 'd just got himself a new van I said fucking hell I said to him sometimes I said there 's a van outside I wan na know who it is , is that still on ?
8 Pale with shock perhaps ; she 'd just bought herself a mink . ’
9 I 'd just forced myself to drive , for the first time in my life , in a country where they have n't the sense to drive on the proper side of the road .
10 Briefly she wondered whether he 'd already drunk himself into oblivion and was lying in a paralytic stupor on the hearthrug while saucepans boiled dry on the stove and vegetables burned to a crisp .
11 She 'd already got herself into all sorts of trouble listening to other people 's opinions , and she was n't going to make that mistake again .
12 When Nicklaus did finally track me down he told me the bag was still mine if I wanted it , but I told him I 'd already committed myself , so I gave up the chance .
13 Suppressing a sigh , she surveyed the map of Copenhagen with which she 'd already armed herself before leaving England , refreshing her memory as to the location of the street where Suzie 's presence had last been authenticated .
14 And as Joe Lucas was unwinding from the pitch to which he 'd momentarily raised himself , Lucy was seated at a side-table in a Wardour Street coffee shop .
15 Always before he had only had to touch me for me to be ready for the final act which we 'd always denied ourselves ; there was no reason to suppose that would n't happen again .
16 ‘ And I 'd always seen myself as leaving my body to medical science . ’
17 She 'd always prided herself on her inner strength .
18 In truth , she 'd never reacted to male advances with such venom before — in fact she 'd always prided herself on being able to stay cool .
19 She — who 'd always prided herself on her clear , incisive brain — was now finding that her thought processes seemed to be completely jammed .
20 She 'd always considered herself so strong , so immune to the temptations of the flesh ; yet last night she 'd discovered a depth of passion within her that had shaken her profoundly .
21 ‘ I 'd always told myself that if I dried up creatively I 'd walk away from acting .
22 As for Margaret — well , she 'd always fancied herself accompanying my father round the world on his tours .
23 My step brother , Tommy , do you know the original well Mr was a sales rep for Bokes couriers , and er his wife used to make pickles , homemade , and she us Mr used to give his friends a jar of pickles occasionally and er from that the idea of selling them , cos it ou after they 'd started distributing amongst his friends he got the idea that there was a market for it , so my step-brother Tommy er started to work with Mrs we used to call them Mrs but her name was , Street you know where Street is , well on the left hand side of Street about oh at the back of the first row of houses in Street , there was a , a small open space and Mr had a big shed put there , and er started buying the pickling onions and er all the women who wished to started skinning onions at so much a bag for Mr and er he 'd gradually built himself up but me step- brother Tommy was er working full time helping Mrs to pick the onions and , and that , that 's how Mac 's Pickles started was just from a mere fact of him being a commercial traveller and he 'd di distribute them to his friends and created the , a market for himself really ac actually they , they , they did have a van driver and a van , a van to deliver them as they gradually increased the supply and they used to deliver them all , all around the area .
24 It amazed her that she 'd ever believed herself in love with him , that she 'd deluded herself into seeing his arrogance and his egotism as positive qualities .
25 ‘ It was the first time I 'd ever seen myself on screen .
26 All during the night , over and over again , she had found it absurd that she 'd ever considered herself a happy woman .
27 The naan bread was big ; we 'd both stuffed ourselves with it during the meal but it was still big .
28 Your feelings of jealousy are n't perverse — even though you did n't want a baby , you 'd probably imagined yourself being very pregnant or holding a baby .
29 She 'd really humiliated herself , that night in St Lucia … damn Guy Sterne to hell .
30 He 'd often asked himself the same question .
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