Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Although cylinder manufacturers countered effectively for some decades , first with moulding techniques and later with finer grooves , the overwhelming simplicity of being able to press thousands of copies of disc records and play them on a simple machine eventually told in the disc 's favour .
2 When parents ceased to be available , primitive man could well have felt the loss , and the need to transfer the dependence elsewhere and this led eventually to some form of imagined substitute , or ‘ god ’ as the surrogate .
3 Although the Hauptdolomit was primarily located on top of the Z1 Anhydrite platform , it prograded basinwards to some extent and overlays the carbonate mudstones of the Stinkdolomit in some wells ( see Figs. 18 , 19 and 25 ) .
4 A limitation of her analysis , deriving from its emphasis on aesthetics , and found also in some of the recent discussions of media and advertising , is a tendency to exaggerate the unique properties of the individual object , as against the type-token nature of words which almost always refer back to some generic category .
5 So , instead of approaching silently , the cuckoo crashed noisily into some nearby vegetation , causing a considerable commotion and frightening the host bird away .
6 It was to push responsibility downwards so that , for example , day-to-day decisions in hospitals were taken in the hospitals themselves and not forever referred upwards to some ‘ higher authority ’ .
7 And er , we stopped there for some time and nothing happened and me dad says Gil !
8 In this initial skirmish his men suffered badly with some 20 killed and 120 wounded , while the rebels , well dug in , had only a single casualty .
9 Barbs adhered loosely to some Eastern-inspired sect whose professed aim was universal love .
10 Thunder and lightning cracked and roared outside like some electric avalanche — and following immediately upon it came the enraged roaring of Something from Hell .
11 VOTING Day came early for some schools in the North-East who went to the polls yesterday in a mock General Election .
12 out for me and erm , when he went in on Monday , erm it was the other one the lad that actually owns it , so I was in there for about bloody half an hour and we came home with some samples and one that I quite liked it was up on the wall and he said that is my best selling Axminster that I had , and it was like , it was maybe it was a bit too busy , it was , it was greyey and it was all different other colours in it , but it was a lot of flowers on it , it was n't a traditional Axminster you see Mike loves these traditional Axminsters and he does n't really , he wo n't really entertain anything else , erm , anyway I brought that sample home and what else ?
13 This theory came close to some of the central ideas which Marx had developed for capitalism .
14 For I am surprised and enchanted often by some quality which I can not detect .
15 he played well in some of the games last year and for the bullshit of ‘ not in leeds ’ future plans ’ — i ca n't believe Wilko have said this after the good-talk he gave Frank last year .
16 ‘ I came here for some answers .
17 Hobbes defines ‘ place ’ as the ‘ space which is possessed or filled adequately by some body ’ , and ‘ motion ’ as ‘ the privation of one place , and the acquisition of another ’ .
18 The concern about health and infant mortality led nationally to some recognition that both were worsened by overcrowded and insanitary housing and by limited access to fresh air in polluted city centres .
19 Birds which are able to dive deeply , such as the auks ( razorbills , guillemots , puffins and black guillemots ) fared better in some areas but have had poor breeding success in others .
20 It climbed steeply for some moments and then hung , apparently motionless , like a miniature sun above the sepoy encampment .
21 At a joint news conference yesterday with Tokyo 's governor , Shunichi Suzuki , he turned quickly to some of the many differences between the sister cities , and omitted a line from a prepared statement that had said ‘ Tokyo and New York are more alike than any two cities on the face of the earth . ’
22 All conversation ceased and the firecrackers quietened suddenly by some invisible command as the emperor took his leave of the Resident Superior and the governor of Cochin-China ; the other French officials and guests immediately began lining up to file past and shake the sovereign 's hand in farewell .
23 The Social Democrats have already started to deny that they would ask for this help — a denial spurred perhaps by some mistrust of the Greens by their own mainstream supporters .
24 They can look back on the last years they spent together as some of the best in their whole lives .
25 In this time you will be reduced as far as possible to walking cannon fodder and rushed away to some hell hole .
26 In others forces of this kind were unimportant or non-existent : in these the defence of the State rested as a rule upon armies raised largely by some modified and limited form of conscription .
27 The new union began nevertheless with some advantages .
28 Because Bal 31 can remove telomeric repeats very quickly , this value may be largely underestimated , but it is in agreement with the small size observed above for some of the telomeric fragments .
29 Er , we heard yesterday from some of your phone calls , and indeed we heard , and some of us may have seen on the television news on Wednesday evening , the desperate plight that many Iraqi civilians are now in .
30 He returned home with some fascinating tales to tell and some eye opening photographs .
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