Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] with [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 While Violette entertained them with stories of increasing complexity , Katherine from beneath lowered lids stole occasional glances at Carlo .
2 That evening , in the hall , Mariot entertained them with songs , accompanied by the harp , to their enjoyment ; although Ramsay qualified his rapture by some regret that , there being insufficient room in their ingle-neuk for playing the harp , she had to perform outside it , and he was deprived of the nearness which he found so much to his taste .
3 The self-abnegation of Friends , emptying themselves the better to be filled by the Light Within , did not then necessarily exclude the pursuit of righteousness in the world ; equally , in the outlook of growing numbers of Quakers in the early nineteenth century , this stance could merge with a stress on the experience of grace which aligned them with evangelicals .
4 At last some passed me with books ; I stopped them , and found the books to be Bibles : it was all clear now , they were going to a week-day preaching , and shortly after , as the road wound down a glen over a burn , I met the Free Church minister on his way to the place of meeting .
5 Yes and they they provided me with boxes of tapes and batteries and eh Walkman and so on and so forth and eh , I 'm trying to be conscientious .
6 His tongue tattooed them with circles of heat .
7 The Bradford Ukrainian Society was particularly supportive and provided them with dictionaries , contacts and artwork .
8 Erm I think last year , Well what I 've got to do , I 've got last year National Grid provided them with pens .
9 Such an attitude , though unfavourable to the concept of a universal church , could be of great benefit to cathedrals , monasteries , and parish churches , because it provided them with protectors , and because often a high standard of religious observance could be stimulated by family pride .
10 On occasion the underlying philosophy was extremely crude , recommending that ‘ if you provided them with footballs and made them kick footballs , they would not be so inclined to kick policemen in the street ’ .
11 You do you see things like that so tonight okay I helped you with sausages but you got most of it .
12 There were people who provided him with houses — such as that in Bethany — which were comfortable and large enough to accommodate , at the very least , his immediate entourage .
13 When William I was to meet Alexander III in 1887 , Bismarck provided him with notes which included the words ‘ Au temps où nous vivons plus qu'ä aucune autre époque de l'histoire , il est de l'intérêt des grandes monarchies d'éviter la guerre … même en Allemagne — si contre toute attente nous venions à ètre vaincus — les chances de la république dêmocratique ou sociale gagneraient considérablement par notre défaite . ’
14 It was held that the employers were in breach of their personal duty of care , as they should have told the plaintiff to test the sashes to see if they were loose and provided him with wedges .
15 A likely explanation is that , although in book 2 he again collaborated with Danchet ( nos. 1–4 ) , and worked with another eminent librettist , Fuselier ( nos. 5–6 ) , they provided him with poems whose dramatic interest is uneven .
16 Like the politics of the miners which seamed through the talk of his brothers , never as vivid as the ‘ stories ’ but always there , those early films provided him with examples of acting which he must have absorbed willy-nilly .
17 The doctor provided her with anti-depressants .
18 She spent much of her time in Swahili-land , where she met the poet and scholar Muhammad Kijumwa al-Bakry , who provided her with manuscripts and information about the language and literature of the Swahili-speaking people .
19 Karen realised that her goal was to find a job which was challenging and interesting and which provided her with opportunities for foreign travel .
20 I caught him with picklocks and braces ,
21 The man 's trembling want of her made her feel that speck grow into a force ; she began to enjoy denying him , then permitting him again , she used her strength to grip and pin him and squeeze him in parts that made him cry out , to gouge and scratch his pale , thin flesh , she fortified him with tisanes that make men what was called in her language ‘ cross ’ , and gave him leaves to chew to stay his excitement so she could explore the crustacean pinkness of his flesh and turn her curiosity and its tinge of disgust to a form of power over him which gave her pleasure .
22 This was the first thought he had ever had of the commune , it was at that moment it first came to him , out on the terrace sitting beside Rufus under Hilbert 's umbrella , while the Vermstroy man hunted his quarry along the woodland streams and Mary pursued him with cries of protest .
23 She helped him with chores , gathering branches or rounding up cattle , or just stayed to keep him company while he worked .
24 When they could not get money from the machine they beat her with sticks .
25 The mountain goat 's ancestry , as a member of the Bovid family , gave it a good start : it gave the animal the means of subsisting on the poor mountain vegetation , and it provided it with feet that could be adapted to moving around in the precipitous terrain .
26 On the second day we went out climbing again but the assessors — there was one for every two candidates — constantly posed us with problems to find out how we would deal with rescues and emergencies .
27 Paul delighted them with plans and perspectives for an irregularly shaped weatherboard construction cleverly built around a venerable tamarind tree , using its branches as an informal canopy to shade the seats below .
28 She stretched Thérèse on the rack until her bones cracked , tore off her breasts with red-hot pincers , then flogged her with twigs and broke her on the wheel .
29 An actress cornered her with snippets of information about herself which she hoped Rain would publish .
30 Not an ounce of her resisted , as he consumed her with kisses and slow-moving caresses .
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