Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion Clara 's class purchased a pound of sausages , took them in with them , and roasted them on one of the burners , and ate them , in full scent and in fairly good view ; Mrs Hill appeared not to notice , and talked quietly on of Boyle 's law .
2 The government did indeed make new judicial arrangements for the peasantry , but it made them in 1861 .
3 Tripoli postponed the elections until February ; Ajdabiyans confidently expected them on 1 February , and after that day the chairman of the local Assembly telephoned Tripoli each afternoon to ask if he should hold the poll .
4 ‘ I met them on one of my early trips out here . ’
5 The count led them through one of the doors into what was a very beautiful drawing-room and almost immediately a servant came in with refreshments .
6 Langton led them through two more doors , finally coming to a small room with a desk and two chairs .
7 The TV producer led them to one of the last suites on the left and a young man in pullover and jeans swung round on his chair .
8 As they strolled deeper into the gardens she became aware that the Pantominteatret was by no means the only form of free entertainment , as their progress led them from one area of performance to another .
9 The staff and right leg propelled me for forty yards until the leg gave way and the injured one , without a thought , took the strain and I ended up on my hands and knees ranting and raving .
10 After my return to England I was able to continue my interest in Burma 's future , for when General Aung San and his colleagues came to London for consultations with the British Government , Mr Attlee asked me to 10 Downing Street to introduce the various members to him .
11 He asked me for 50,000 francs for Félix .
12 Much to my surprise , he led me towards one of the public beer tents .
13 That got me to thirty-and-five .
14 They got me in 1979 when Eamonn Andrews hosted the show .
15 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
16 They sorted through the books and divided them into two lots .
17 Bragg tipped the contents of the drawer on to the table , and divided them into two piles .
18 The Buddhist-managed Lakrivikirana divided them into two categories .
19 In one such experiment , L. R. Donaldson and G. E. Allen took 72,000 young salmon at the ‘ fingerling ’ stage ( when they are about one year old ) from the Soos Creek Hatchery in Washington ( for locations see Figure 4.5 ) and divided them into two groups .
20 Legally those having less than the minimum of 40s. in goods should have been assessed on wages or ‘ profits for wages ’ , which were often treated as interchangeable , though sometimes carefully distinguished : in Goldspur hundred on the Kentish border assessments on profits were specified in 1524 , but in the next year the assessments roped in more small taxpayers and divided them into fifty-one on wages , forty-six on profits and seven on goods .
21 He took a group of young boys and monitored their play , divided them into three groups and showed each group one of three scenarios and then monitored them again .
22 He took a calculator from his wallet , added up the marks and divided them by 8 .
23 Captain 11 times , he repaid them with 3915 runs , 12 centuries , an average of 43.98 , and an adhesiveness more commonly found in tubes of Araldite .
24 So he sold them for four X.
25 I sold them for fifteen pounds .
26 Mr Singleton sold them for two pounds each .
27 The last time some of these plates were printed was in 1906 , by Alvin Beaumont , whose family sold them in 1938 .
28 Yeah , they we got them for thirty so mind you
29 My dad probably got them for fifty each , if he said a hundred .
30 Remember the carnations , we got them at one of the shops , the florist in .
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