Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 He led the People of Israel out of slavery in Egypt , led them through the Red Sea , led them forty years in the wilderness and brought them safely to Palestine , Eretz Yisroel . ’
2 ‘ He beat me three years ago , but it will be different this time , ’ said Porter at a press conference yesterday .
3 It cost me two years of impoverishment , spending every dime on legal fees .
4 I have read my Foucault , I am aware of the conceptual shortcomings of a timeless , essentialist homosexual identity , I might even want to take the step of putting quotations marks around the word ‘ gay ’ — but the man who queerbashed me some years ago did not put quotation marks around his fists .
5 The defending lawyer told magistrate Terence Maher that Long , 48 , turned to the bottle after his wife divorced him three years ago .
6 The architect who designed it twenty years before , Blanche reflected , had drawn inspiration from childhood memories of dog-eared graph paper — neatly ruled green squares within a darker grid of ruled squares .
7 The allied word ‘ antibiotic , reached the English language when the botanist Marshall Hall used it 10 years later .
8 I remember an American pilot with about 200 hours , a twin-engine Commercial and full Instrument Rating who visited us some years ago .
9 Do you know one or two of my friends castigated me two years ago for taking food to somebody who was sleeping in the gardens .
10 I , I , a hairdresser told me that years ago Elaine .
11 One of my assets in journalism , as Fred Workman told me some years later , was the habit of creating stories and features by developing an idea and then taking the necessary steps to work it into an acceptable feature .
12 The hospital 's fifteenth-century chapel houses a small collection of works by Hans Memling : exquisite , jewel-like portraits and interpretations of biblical scenes and Christian legends , as vivid as when he painted them 500 years ago .
13 When Matthew and I adopted you three years ago , we decided to look after you as well as we could .
14 Thrift apologizes , whingeing , for the poisoned sausage , reminding Alix that she ate it twenty years ago , when she had no money and needed the sausage .
15 It had taken us an hour to walk but had taken the men who drove it thirteen years of drilling and blasting through 748 fathoms of solid rock to build it .
16 One passage , when Edward was a scholar at Battersea Grammar School , sums up the general atmosphere of 61 Shelgate Road , as the poet recalled it twenty years later :
17 You 've changed a lot since I met you those years ago .
18 Baldwin confirmed it twenty years later , when he wrote to Tom Jones front the depths of his retirement : ‘ I spent a lot of my holiday in 1923 walking in the hills around Aix and thought it all out by myself .
19 Their nerve was a match for his ; they had most of them served him several years , for his men did not leave him .
20 And it would have remained little more than a name but for the immense political danger that threatened it 21 years ago .
21 Of the twins , one contracted the condition when 12 years old while the other developed it 36 years later .
22 Simeon 's revolt , like the one which preceded it sixty-six years before , was ruthlessly suppressed , but not before the Holy Land had once again been ravaged .
23 She has run a Beavers Club for boys aged six and seven since she founded it 27 years ago .
24 You sorted it out and settled it ten years ago , but now you are facing it as a new problem at your present age .
25 ‘ I met him six years ago , as I was going through my divorce , ’ Miss Dale said yesterday .
26 Former policeman Grant , a sociology student when Julie met him six years ago , stays at home , looks after Maisie and keeps house .
27 Well , after a fashion , you met him ten years ago or so .
28 These fish have had a special place in my heart ever since I first kept them some years ago , and they are naturally a shoaling fish .
29 I remember THE FACE coming out very well — but it took me two years to make the cover . ’
30 But the guilt would not go away : I omitted the incident from the log and it took me two years to own up to it .
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