Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The discrepancy between job-specification and status became acute for some coordinators , and remained a problem in some schools , not just for coordinators but also for many other staff with significant cross-school managerial responsibilities .
2 With good reason , the memory of the 1975–6 war became painful for many Palestinians .
3 On odd occasions when there was a very strong wind or interference from farm machinery the long-spade became impracticable for listening purposes .
4 The newspaper changed sides and the public 's antagonism changed to vocal support as the safety and environmental benefits became clear for all to see .
5 There was a lot of passing , running about and kicking which I found encouraging for this season .
6 The Geneva rules retained -ane for saturated hydrocarbons and used -ene , -diene and -triine for triple bonds , with locants as necessary .
7 It thus became impossible for any king in future to prolong indefinitely the life of a complaisant House of Commons , as Charles II had done with the ‘ Cavalier Parliament ’ of 1661–79 .
8 AN 82-year-old man who drove off to visit friends got lost for 13 hours — and finished up just 22 miles from home .
9 It tinkled furiously , as it always did when he became agitated for any reason .
10 Now weaning , toilet-training and the instilling of a capacity for self-discipline and instinctual renunciation became crucial for economic survival .
11 Two years later Harris and his wife Mary became residents of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons in Croydon ; he had been an active Freemason since 1818 , and in 1849 had published a set of designs for lodge tracing boards , which became standard for many years .
12 The playing-time was almost exactly two minutes , and such ‘ two-minute cylinders ’ became standard for commercial prerecorded fare , while 100rpm remained more or less standard for dictation cylinders and privately-made cylinders recorded in the home .
13 The next four cars were more conventional , seating 76 having bogies , and a top-cover which later became standard for double-deck cars .
14 Although Elonex came top of the rankings for both competitively priced products and services , it was the Dell Computer Corporation that recently came top for overall quality in the Computer Weekly /Kew Associates annual survey of IT suppliers , thanks to ‘ its consistent supply of reliable computers and services . ’
15 Walden are next to bottom without a win all season but their brave defence reduced Colchester to a kicking game on a day which seemed perfect for running rugby .
16 He smoked a lot which hit the hard-worked lungs while the boils surged up out of a weakness in nutrition which , together with the ill-starred Jenkins bones , augured ill for long life and clean living .
17 But it soon seemed natural for one man to be held first among equals ; or the first prominent convert in a city , like Stephanas at Corinth ( 1 Cor. 16 : 15–16 ) , might form a community round his household .
18 It was a chilly May day , with grey skies and a wind which seemed thirsty for another death .
19 The post-war world seemed ready for new institutional initiatives of cultural " extension " drawing equally on the spiritual forces of art in the form of English , and established traditions of extended state and voluntary public activities .
20 The slums built during the Industrial Revolution soon became unfit for human habitation .
21 Some 2.7 million people still live in affected areas--400,000 of them in areas made unfit for human habitation because of radiation levels or in areas from which they should have been moved .
22 The result was that the union became subordinated for some time to the hierarchy and a breakaway union of protestant teachers was formed .
23 A moment later the frenzied cadet pitched forward and skidded prostrate for many metres , his strengthened fingernails scratching sparks from the plates of the deck before he came to rest .
24 Pascoe arrived prepared for more questions about his trip to the second floor and provided the wording of his note to Mona : ‘ Mona .
25 And they paid extra for one Mr Simonds to coach in football and hockey .
26 Wedding day bliss turned sour for happy Chris and Angela as soon as they arrived at Barrowby village hall , Lincs after the wedding ceremony .
27 It happened everyday for those who were late .
28 They then lived rough for four days before they were arrested in Pontefract , West Yorks , it was alleged .
29 From Jan. 1 , 1990 , it became illegal for European industries to dump fly ash ( the residue from coal-fired power stations ) in the North Sea .
30 Cale became famous for violent demonstrations on stage ; there were plenty of screams , stage props , a green surgeon 's outfit , the odd tooth-spitting , the beheaded ( but long dead ) chicken episode which lost him half his band , the time he wore the Cambridge Rapist 's mask …
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