Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a bid to lift the country out of recession Norman Lamont announced boosts for the car industry , housing , the health service and schools .
2 Germany and Austria led calls for the west to recognise the independence of Slovenia and Croatia .
3 And by eavesdropping talk on the terraces and in the pubs , they overheard plans for a pitch invasion like this one at the County Ground last year .
4 Participants also discussed the possibility of launching a major research project on the theme , and made plans for a book on communication and human rights in Africa .
5 Participants also discussed the possibility of launching a major research project on the theme , and made plans for a book on communication and human rights in Africa .
6 The meeting also agreed proposals for the abolition of the visa system , for flights between the two countries and for bilateral co-operation on development projects , such as the planned construction with Indian aid of a hospital .
7 But , with that unpredictability which makes biology such a fascinating science , it was some biochemists interested in nutrition who laid foundations for the next major advance in the treatment of cancer .
8 Many hundreds of thousands of trade unionists were among those who became shareholders for the first time .
9 Thus , they tabled proposals for a Bill of Rights , an Assembly where they ( the Unionists ) considered the SDLP would have an effective role and an Inter-Irish Relations Committee — avoiding the unmentionable Council of Ireland — representing a formal link between the Belfast assembly and the Dublin parliament .
10 Arriving in Spain on a morale boosting visit to the £10 million set , he angrily attacked calls for the show to be axed .
11 BankAmerica Corp. of San Francisco and Security Pacific Corp. of Los Angeles announced plans for a US$4,500 million merger , the largest in US history .
12 Warning that his reforms would cause business failures and unemployment , he announced plans for a scheme to put unemployed people to work on government construction projects for a minimum wage .
13 Queen Margaret College yesterday announced plans for a major expansion on to a new campus , costing up to £10 million and aimed at carrying the former domestic science school to the size required for university status .
14 In 1988 , amidst a great burst of publicity , one forestry company announced plans for the future management and improvement of a river they owned .
15 On Feb. 1 , 1990 , Saudi Arabia announced plans for the first electronic share dealing system in the Gulf , to be launched in April , which bankers said would revolutionize the market and attract many new investors .
16 In a speech marking the 20th anniversary of his reign on Nov. 18 , Sultan Qaboos bin Said announced plans for the creation of a Consultative Council " to provide more opportunities for the Omani citizen 's wider participation in the responsibilities of … the fatherland " .
17 In November 1990 he announced plans for the creation of new Consultative Council of provincial representatives [ see p. 37873 ] .
18 Beveridge made proposals for a separation benefit , to be paid only in cases of formal separation not caused by the wife .
19 He also had a keen grasp of steam locomotive matters and was responsible for introducing suburban passenger locomotives in 1945 , in which year he also made proposals for the first LMS ( and British ) main-line diesel-electric locomotives , which were finally introduced under his successor H. G. Ivatt two years later .
20 While on the one hand claiming to recognise the theoretical problems inherent in classifying cultural features and the possibility of interpreting otherwise , New Historicist writing tends to produce very organised , well-constructed and argued cases for a small number of Renaissance cultural features .
21 Both SMP [ originating in the boys ' public schools ] and MME [ originating in state secondary schools ] produced proposals for the redefinition of school mathematics that were clearly orientated to the demands of various powerful , i.e. resource-controlling , extra-school groups .
22 In June President Saddam announced proposals for a further and unilateral two-week halt to attacks on cities , hoping Iran might be tempted to discuss an overall settlement of the conflict , complete with a cease-fire , the withdrawal of both armies , an exchange of prisoners , negotiations towards a peace treaty , the resumption of normal relations and non-interference in one another 's affairs .
23 In January the NRA announced proposals for an alternative site for the reservoir which could save Mr Tarry , who lives in the village of Brinkley , and his neighbours in Carlton and Bradley .
24 We then laid plans for the next voyage .
25 He rode winners for the stable managed by his brother Joseph in Bedford Cottage Yard at Newmarket , including Lord Lonsdale 's Pilgrimage , on which he won the One Thousand Guineas and Two Thousand Guineas in 1878 .
26 He did n't tell long stories like Patsy did , or wistful tales like Dekko Moore about the time he made harnesses for the Lords of the Soil somewhere down in Meath .
27 We made demands for a cheap canteen on the site , for nurseries and better maternity provisions .
28 The little boy loved toy soldiers and drafted speeches for the commanders-in-chief .
29 There was little to indicate what a busy area this was to become , with buoyed channels for the large tankers , and the storage tanks and quays of Sullom Voe tucked away neatly out of sight amongst the low hills .
30 Others , such as the sex fiend dubbed the ‘ Shopping Bag Rapist ’ ( Sun ) , and the soft-spoken brute , known as the ‘ Lonely Heart Rapist ’ , believed to be a loner who regularly visited clubs for the divorced and separated in the Home Counties ( Sun ) , do not have nicknames which provide instant headlines .
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