Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Since the Russian Revolution did not spread to the West , Communists became prisoners of a state with pretensions to a universal mission , and their identification with the foreign policy needs of the Soviet Union represented little advance over the subordination of an older generation of radicals to the interests of the City of London .
2 When Lindbergh flew the Atlantic , he made notes with a Waterman ; Admiral Byrd 's expedition to the Antarctic was equipped with Watermans filled with non-freezing ink ; and Lloyd George signed the Versailles Treaty with , you guessed it , a Waterman .
3 And by eavesdropping talk on the terraces and in the pubs , they overheard plans for a pitch invasion like this one at the County Ground last year .
4 Participants also discussed the possibility of launching a major research project on the theme , and made plans for a book on communication and human rights in Africa .
5 Participants also discussed the possibility of launching a major research project on the theme , and made plans for a book on communication and human rights in Africa .
6 Still others like John Clifford , Horton , Silvester Horne or R. J. Campbell became exponents of a much more liberal or ‘ social ’ interpretation of the Gospel and in some cases , such as Clifford 's , adopted a very ‘ open ’ view regarding miracles and traditional Christian doctrines .
7 An official visit to Japan on Sept. 4-7 by Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze produced signs of a much-needed improvement in Japanese-Soviet relations .
8 The department store on the opposite corner was a giant , baroque box holding mass produced objects of a profound and miserable neutrality .
9 Thus , they tabled proposals for a Bill of Rights , an Assembly where they ( the Unionists ) considered the SDLP would have an effective role and an Inter-Irish Relations Committee — avoiding the unmentionable Council of Ireland — representing a formal link between the Belfast assembly and the Dublin parliament .
10 BankAmerica Corp. of San Francisco and Security Pacific Corp. of Los Angeles announced plans for a US$4,500 million merger , the largest in US history .
11 Warning that his reforms would cause business failures and unemployment , he announced plans for a scheme to put unemployed people to work on government construction projects for a minimum wage .
12 Queen Margaret College yesterday announced plans for a major expansion on to a new campus , costing up to £10 million and aimed at carrying the former domestic science school to the size required for university status .
13 Owners Abroad and Thomas Cook Group announced plans of a possible link-up between the two tour operators ; but then Airtours launched a £221m hostile bid for Owners Abroad .
14 Beveridge made proposals for a separation benefit , to be paid only in cases of formal separation not caused by the wife .
15 While on the one hand claiming to recognise the theoretical problems inherent in classifying cultural features and the possibility of interpreting otherwise , New Historicist writing tends to produce very organised , well-constructed and argued cases for a small number of Renaissance cultural features .
16 Tottenham Hotspur who put Oxford United out of the F A Cup in the fourth round , found life difficult at Fratton Park where Portsmouth forgot their disappointing League form and led Spurs by a Chamberlain goal after forty one minutes , but Gascoigne who tormented Oxford in the last round , equalised for Spurs in the sixty second minutes , and seven minutes from time , that man Gascoigne popped up with a winner .
17 In June President Saddam announced proposals for a further and unilateral two-week halt to attacks on cities , hoping Iran might be tempted to discuss an overall settlement of the conflict , complete with a cease-fire , the withdrawal of both armies , an exchange of prisoners , negotiations towards a peace treaty , the resumption of normal relations and non-interference in one another 's affairs .
18 In addition , we became experts in a new and complex world where everything from the intricacies of a changing semantic of underground language to the knowledge that tetrahydrocannabinol ( THE ) was the active ingredient of cannabis separated us from our previous associations and took us into a world where few in the organization could begin to operate with comfort .
19 There were some handy ones around — Charlie Gillett and Simon Frith 's Rock File series and Dafydd Rees ' Star-File were among those that first made waves of a sort — but it was n't until Guinness published their initial British Hit Singles , in 1977 , that the genre became part of the UK 's list of best-sellers .
20 We made demands for a cheap canteen on the site , for nurseries and better maternity provisions .
21 The band of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Royal Marines also marched through the town centre and entertained shoppers with a musical performance on the Russell Street boulevard .
22 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
23 They 're real nice cards — there 's some that got pictures of a blue sky with a big white star and some men on a camel and that .
24 It was to be seven long years before I actually clapped eyes on a cuckoo in the wild — on a school camping holiday to the Scilly Isles , of all places — but that was in another life and another land , far from my roots in Colchester Park and Colchester Zoo .
25 2 ) ‘ I used raisins as a reward because I did n't want my child eating sweets .
26 THE shipping minister , Lord Caithness , yesterday dismissed calls for a sheriff 's inquiry into the Braer oilspill in spite of a petition signed by more than a third of Shetland 's adults being handed over in London .
27 It was insignificant prattle about birds , sailing and school gossip , but the last paragraph mentioned plans for a demonstration against the Education Secretary 's newly-announced plans to end the distribution of free milk to schoolchildren .
28 It provided employers with a cheap labour force .
29 He supervised operations from a large warehouse at Greenwich on the Thames , whence he supplied the metropolitan market in particular .
30 Violence erupted hours after a UN convoy which braved fighting to deliver supplies to Gorazde returned safely to the capital .
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