Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 At the age of twenty-two he returned to Ireland and on his father 's advice sought admission to the National Deaf Mute College in America for a degree course .
2 He became Clerk to the Governors after Ellis 's death in 1957 , a Governor in 1962 when Gilchrist was appointed Bursar and Clerk , Vice Chairman in 1973 , and Chairman on the retirement of Lt. Col. Christie-Miller in 1975 .
3 They had three sons : one became clerk to the Goldsmiths ’ Company , one an entomologist , and the third was killed in the war of 1914–18 .
4 Special designs , trial runs and samples were all part of winning the order as the production unit and design studio lent support to the sales effort .
5 Experience showed , he said , that the proportion which debts recovered bore to the cost of the court proceedings was less than one in twenty , and so a burden on trade and business .
6 Nevertheless , the fact that he sought re-election to the legislature was widely interpreted as indicative of a desire to use his influence — he was thought to have maintained an overall majority in the new House — to secure the presidency for his friend and colleague , Vice-President Teatao Teannaki , the elected member for Abiang .
7 Henry became successor to the Burghley estate and in return the ninth Earl settled his younger brother 's debts .
8 In the case of Wachtel v IRC ( 1970 ) 46 TC 543 , the settlor deposited money with a bank interest-free and the bank lent money to the trust at 1 per cent .
9 It is this evidence that led West to the cautious conclusion that ‘ it is reasonable to assume that in the nineteenth century education played some part in economic growth . ’
10 Government forces then laid seige to the building and , after a standoff of several hours , there was a four-hour gun-battle which culminated in the storming of the hotel .
11 Within the Conservative Party the Gulf crisis lent weight to the argument that a leadership challenge would be inappropriate .
12 The refusal of foreign-owned oil companies operating in Chile to handle Soviet crude lent weight to the arguments of nationalists who wanted to accept the Soviet offer , which was heatedly debated in the Chilean Congress for two years before the incoming elected conservative government of Alessandri felt strong enough to reject it .
13 Dissent flared into civil war after a Sunday Telegraph Gallup poll revealed opposition to the Maastricht Treaty was at an all-time high among Tory backbench MPs .
14 The growth of independent towns in the twelfth century lent force to the revival of public courts on the Carolingian model ; while Mediterranean contacts ensured a warm welcome for the learning of Bolognese Roman lawyers in the early decades of the century .
15 This latest outbreak of sectarian fighting , momentarily stilled by a government-mediated ceasefire on July 21 , came as Sunni groups voiced opposition to the government 's apparently conciliatory approach to the Shias ( who accounted for about 20 per cent of the country 's population ) .
16 The four opposition parties which had formed the Democratic Bloc in May [ see p. 38982 ] voiced opposition to the constitutional proposals .
17 The girl mouthed entreaty to the other guests who smiled and looked away .
18 Pins and needles hit her as she moved upslope to the entrance and her numb foot skated on the glossy groundsheet .
19 A sign which went up on the Raiders ' dressing-room door after the match , advising that only Australian media personnel were welcome , bore witness to the visitors ' touchiness about defeat , though at least they did not follow Manly 's example and grumble about the referee .
20 And so saying , Svend Larsen threw open the doors of the stock-room where stacks of tea-chests , many unopened , bore witness to the success of his operation .
21 Joe McCann , secretary of the NDP , said that the meeting bore witness to the failure of the Unionist Party to keep faith with the British traditions it professed to admire .
22 The crowd of mourners at his funeral bore witness to the affection and respect Stanley had earned through his life and work .
23 ‘ Wisden ’ itself bore witness to the cult of the amateur .
24 The white-painted kerbstones and the ARP symbols on the street walls bore witness to the city 's recent ordeal by fire .
25 According to the evidence at the trial , only Zaidie bore witness to the defendant 's telephoned confession , but the defence might have promoted a viable theory of conspiracy if they had been able to show that Matadial had also testified to a confession , then resiled from it in her deposition , taken the offensive again in her addendum and finally opted for a female voice in her evidence .
26 The stench that the Doctor noted as he approached bore witness to the speed with which decay took place in the tropical climate , and he found that he had to clap a handkerchief over his mouth as he knelt to examine the body .
27 And at the Leicester Congress in 1931 , an illuminated address , signed by every member of the executive , bore witness to the respect in which he was held by his colleagues and the deaf community as a whole .
28 The ability of the Communist parties to survive the onslaught from the ‘ New Left ’ also bore witness to the fact that the debates over strategy and tactics were real , and had a deeper basis than is suggested by the oft-manifested rivalry for the role of ‘ true ’ revolutionary .
29 Jesus bore witness to the Father ( 8:14 ) and the Spirit would bear witness to Jesus ( 15:26,2 7 j .
30 The massive exodus of the rural populace to towns in Spain or abroad , which began in earnest towards the end of the 1950s , bore witness to the priority given , in the Francoist scale of values , to preserving the patrimony of the strong , rather than to caring for the welfare of the weak .
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