Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Lee ( 1966 , 1974 ) suggests two related strategies ; one referred to as Developmental Sentence Types ( DST ) is designed to help the teacher or therapist classify pre-sentence utterances , while Developmental Sentence Scoring ( DSS ) is a method of quantifying the ‘ grammatical load ’ which is carried by complete sentences .
2 That was what Mary called currant pudding , and his mother referred to as boiled fruit suet .
3 They came across as corporate mercenaries obsessed with money and equipment and , fittingly , they were big in Japan .
4 This may at first appear paradoxical because robots are often — perhaps most often — thought of as mechanical workpeople , displacing humans .
5 What I thought of as mainstream cancers were called Carcinomas and they developed in the lining layers of the organs , such as the lungs , the bowels , and the skin .
6 But it was I who was stupid , too stupid to see he had reason for wanting to establish what he thought of as respectable origins .
7 Though deeply Anglo-Catholic he rejected what the world thought of as Anglo-Catholic fuss , a mistaking of the right vestment for the right religion .
8 It seems that all the things that we met with in life and thought of as advantages in the beginning , are found to be grave disadvantages ; and all those things that in our youth we thought of as severe disadvantages , at last come to be seen as benefits .
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