Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the year " in BNC.

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1 Closing on the same day is the confrontation between the work of Carmelo Arden and Roger Desserprit made during the years of the association with the Madi group in the 1950s .
2 The trading conditions which we experienced during the year with no recovery in prospect required a radical look at the costs and overheads structure of the UK activities .
3 This compares with depreciation on the Dumfries building where production ceased during the year .
4 In conclusion I would like to thank everyone concerned ; tot he management and the golf courses we visited during the year and wish them every success in the coming season .
5 Fluctuations occurred throughout the year : the deficit in May was $10,200 million , an increase of 23.6 per cent over April due to an increase in imports of oil and industrial equipment and to the effect on exports of the rise in value of the dollar ; in July and September the deficits fell to a five-year low due to a decline in the purchase of foreign machinery and consumer goods , and to an increase in aircraft exports .
6 Although the promise of a ‘ land fit for heroes to live in ’ secured a victory for Lloyd George and his coalition government in 1918 , it was soon to find its promises increasingly hard to fulfil as the post-war boom petered out and Britain moved into the years of the Slump .
7 The Council of Mortgage Lenders announced on February 14th that the number of people who lost their homes last year because they could not keep up their mortgage payments nearly tripled from the year before .
8 This tells us water temperatures were changing and we believe this represents a major almenial event which occurred in the year seventeen forty seven .
9 In the first edition of this book we described at length the reactions evoked by the Report , its strengths and weaknesses as we saw them , and the developments that occurred in the year or so following the publication of Circular 11/77 .
10 Only 11 firms , out of the 138 registered with the English Institute that the JMU visited in the year to 30 September 1992 , achieved ‘ yes ’ answers to all 13 questions .
11 Various disputes occurred over the years , culminating in a protracted battle at the beginning of the 19th century , with the owner , William Humphries Barrett .
12 The thing is , it 's a vicious circle , it 's Catch 22 really , 'cos I used to have a good self-employed business , going painting and decorating and I used to have a good clientele and that and I found over the years that , when it became harder and harder to score and the prices rocketed and all that , it got out of hand , out of proportion , that I was spending more and more time off the job than I was on the job , looking round to get the stuff and I found I was unable to carry on working without the drug , because I just felt so bad and I could n't climb ladders and I thought I was a danger to myself and anybody else that I had working with me , y'know .
13 Has your view of Harlow changed over the years ?
14 Sales of Hennessy and Hine cognac have also suffered , particularly in Japan where consumption dropped during the year .
15 The final part of that of John Bartholomew and Son , the geographical publishers , came during the year and has been amalgamated with earlier gifts .
16 We relied heavily on subscriptions and donations and were delighted by the loyalty and support we received throughout the year .
17 First , looking at hardware spending plans this year , the review shows cutbacks in the UK , the US , France , Canada and Spain compared with the year before .
18 The holding of the summit in Madrid came in the year of official Spanish celebration of the 500th anniversary of Colombus 's voyage to America .
19 But the Germans did not relent ; indeed the height of their efforts came in the years 1900–9 .
20 I still remember the names of some of the men we hired over the years — there was Billy Lockie , Mark Dent , and an Irishman called John Boyne .
21 Its estimates are based on studies of climate conditions 65,000 years ago , when the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere was similar to that predicted for the year 2000 .
22 What happened during the years between circa 1880 and 1920 , was the beginning of a process whereby young workers were admitted to the public domain : their newly-defined significance meant that they required a new role , but one which had to be carefully circumscribed .
23 It was based on ‘ family wages ’ and female employment was uncommon , and it flourished in the years leading up to 1914 .
24 This fertile region , hollowed out and enriched so far as the soil is concerned by glaciation , was once known as the Pays tea Quatre Vallées , and Arreau was its capital , being another of the small centres which flourished in the years when the trans-Pyrenean trade with Spain was at its height .
25 In short , the increase in earnings from tourism happened in the year after the millennium .
26 During the S the CNES budget increased substantially — largely due to state support for both the national and European ( ESA ) programmes : the CNES budget ( in real terms ) trebled in the years 1963–8 and then stayed level during most of the S ; in the S it rose steadily .
27 The first Rottweiler in Norway arrived in the year 1910 , but it was not until 1919 that a bitch called Florrie , who had been originally imported from Sweden , was registered .
28 I 'd also write down everything important that happened over the years , so that students of history would come to me for help .
29 But colleagues , five years ago I looked forward to the merger between G M B and Apex and predicted by the year two thousand there would be only four major unions in Britain , call them the four super unions .
30 The directors who served during the year were as follows :
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