Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Settling in Colinton , he rose to be chairman , an authority on the history of Scottish typography , and a printer of fine editions of , among others , the works of R. L. Stevenson .
2 Mr. Bundy , a jobbing gardener , was about five feet in height but built like a tank whilst Mr. Cool , a clerk at Style and Gerrish , the main drapers in Salisbury , was a very quiet man who rose to be head of the firm 's Accounts Department .
3 Bauthumley fought for Parliament and rose to be quartermaster in Colonel Cox 's regiment .
4 It was discovered not on earth in fact but on the sun in the first place , in about eighteen sixty-eight erm absorption lines were seen , and , and it was a long time after that before people realised there was some helium on the earth and , and , and eventually erm helium , some gas was found bubbling up through , from a pit in the Black Forest and , and analysed and found to be helium .
5 The march was then diverted down Albert Road and the police Special Operations Service was called in to x-ray the package found to be rubbish wrapped in a newspaper and cling film .
6 ‘ But she told me she tried to be understanding of a life that perhaps she might have to lead one day , ’ said her friend .
7 Sigue Sigue Sputnik tried to be disco .
8 There were a number of attacks during January by right-wing extremist groups , which police believed to be part of a protest campaign against CODESA .
9 I sent two samples , one of dust particles , the other a piece of waste I believed to be asbestos , to Dr Martin Brewer in London for examination .
10 Quasars are starlike objects that must be many times brighter than entire galaxies if they are as distant as the reddening of their spectra indicates ; pulsars are the rapidly blinking remnants of supernova explosions , believed to be ultradense neutron stars ; compact X-ray sources , revealed by instruments aboard space vehicles , may also be neutron stars or may be hypothetical objects of still higher density , namely black holes .
11 Inside his stomach thirty bags believed to be cocaine .
12 A revealing passage from Khrushchev 's memoirs , citing a letter written by the Soviet premier to Castro in late 1962 , shows his complete insensitivity to the Cubans ' wounded national pride and barely conceals his irritation at what he evidently believed to be ingratitude on Castro 's part .
13 Buxton initiated his Civilization Society in part because he feared that to wait for antislavery principles to permeate foreign societies of slaveholders , which he believed to be BFASS policy , ‘ would cost us half a century , and that implies the sacrifice of twenty five millions of the human race ’ .
14 He had said it speaking what he believed to be truth and justice , said it and left it .
15 In the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the Law Merchant , apart from maritime law and prize law ( see p. 40 ) , was absorbed into the Common Law ; thus the law of such matters as Bills of Exchange came to be part of the law of the land , and came to have a specially English character .
16 The tale of how an astute Cornish furze-cutter came to be founder of one of the great landed families of Cornwall , with one of the County 's most famed stately homes , could be looked on as an ideal example of Thatcherite-style enterprise and self-help .
17 Well depending on the situation er you would ask him how he did came to be client .
18 We had in addition to this party , — a doctor coming to visit his mother , who lived in Coll ; a young Englishman with a fishing-rod , who had left a medical practice for a few days , to whip the burns of Coll and breathe the fine air ; a minister 's wife ; a retired minister and his wife , both in delicate health ; the fiscal of Tobermory , who had a farm in Tiree ; the Chief Constable and Sheriff Clerk from Mull , who came to investigate a case of suspected cattle poisoning ; and a young Glasgow teacher , who came to be guest of the Fiscal aforementioned .
19 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
20 Nobody had seen Edward Balliol unfortunately , but apart from that it seemed to be success all the way .
21 The only reward seemed to be exhaustion and Salt 's sour amusement , but Jess did n't complain .
22 between my arm and what seemed to be air
23 To Orderic Vitalis , an Anglo-Norman monk of the early twelfth century , the love poetry of Aquitaine and Provence seemed to be evidence of the moral corruption of the south .
24 Whereas Michael 's round red face was hard , tough and almost brutal , and the thin man 's expression was mean and cringing , and Crane 's eager and self-centred , and the Leader 's careful and considered , there seemed to be warmth and kindliness in Hugh 's simple features .
25 The one drawback at speed seemed to be noise , which he thought was louder than in his own BMW 325i .
26 Doone with slight reluctance admitted that there seemed to be marble stuck to the underside of one more floorboard on each side of the hole .
27 There seemed to be part of a beam missing in the area .
28 It seemed to be part of this dreadful time , with the responsibility for her mother like a crushing weight on her .
29 And when she saw the family cottage , it seemed to be part of her body and life , as it always did .
30 He looked like a farm worker , but seemed to be part of the family .
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